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A member registered Jan 18, 2023

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(1 edit)

Fair enough - and I did see your more descriptive reply on Reddit. The game really sounds great!

(6 edits)

This game looks very intriguing – BUT for all the long description, you've managed to not really tell us what type of game this is. I mean I can see it's a sort of rogue-like shumup (real-time?) – but I think you need to give us a bit of a clearer explanation of what to expect please. For example is that a puzzle element in the fifth screen. Does the Star Fox-like constellation-map suggest it has a tailored campaign as well as the rogue elements? Is that a trading aspect? etc...

Many thanks

On the latest Playdate firmware, you can view all the games as large banners to scroll through (as was before), or now with a name and a small icon (animated or not) in a new compact list-mode. Both modes are handy, but if a game is missing a list-mode icon, Playdate puts in a crap one that make the game look a bit broken, and definitely takes away from the charm of the list. Even though it's a small icon devs seems to be able to make some nice results – even with the existing assets of their in-game character for instance.

Hi - I'll play-test some more – maybe I misunderstood something – but it wasn't on a crocodile.

(1 edit)

Edit - sorry it's working now :)

hmmm - the new list icon doesn't seem to have worked on Arena (tried twice) - they look really great on all the other Onebit games though!

Hi, I don't know if you've seen this potential Tex-em bug discussed over on Reddit:

Yes please to career mode!, and maybe one day a mission mode like in Mario Kart DS?

Thank you - and best wishes for your upcoming games

Hi, any chance of a list-mode icon for your lovely game? And how about your like frog-character on the title screen? and Game-banner?

Hi, any chance of a list-mode icon for your lovely game? And just to match with the other game titles, would it be possible to put the games name in Titlecase? Or maybe the name is meant to be in caps? Anyway thank you for creating the game.

(1 edit)

Hi - are there as many fruit as fish in the vegi-mode please. Trying to evaluate if this game is worth it, in that mode. And thank you so much for including it, as I'm another one who can't handle the ida of hooking and spearing fish (but still enjoys stuff like Doom ;)

Thank you so much again!

Great game. Music is crazy good – real Chemical Brothers vibes. Also would like to request a list-icon for the cherry on top.

Hi is there community created levels out there you can link to please?

Beautiful game – bought on catalog. Would it be possible to add a list-mode icon to the game please? It's a shame to have such a good game missing that polished touch on the latest firmware.

Beautiful game – would it be possible to add a list-mode icon to the game please? It's a shame to have such a good looking game missing that polished touch on the latest firmware.

Also may I ask about the artwork – was it hand drawn pen-art and then converted with a photoshop-effect to get the one-bit result. I'd love to learn the method.

Thank you for the game.

(1 edit)

EDIT – I'm an idiot and didn't read the new 'how to play' screen. I'd still be great to have a nice list-mode icon so it sits nice with all the other games though please.

Hi - I think your game might be broken on the latest playdate firmware or something. The crank works, but no button gets the frog moving in either game-mode.

Also would it be possible to add a list-mode icon to the game please?

Hi there – I think your wonderful game might be a bit broken on the latest playdate firmware. The frog just seems to spontaneously die on the last line of logs at random times (but very regularly - and not linked to the time bar). It may happen other places to.

It's a shame because I think your frogger is better than the other playdate one. Hope it can be fixed.

Love this game – if there is a way you could offer even more levels as a DLC, or a sequel I'd love that. Or maybe a quirky 'mission-mode' or something.

If I could offer one small constructive critique it would be that the game-art, while perfect in general, has one flaw that jars with the perfection of the rest of the art. It's the large ship (that you enter at the end of levels, and is in cutscenes). The way it's drawn is off somehow – shape is a bit off – needs detail or something. I get its a basic style – but that one object is too basic. It just looks bad compared to everything else and could do with some tweaking or something so it's not just an outline at that size. I'd even be happy to have a go myself if it helped. Anyway, outside of that your game is perfection.

I hope it's ok to mention – if I thought the game was just ok I wouldn't care to say anything, but it's just so close to perfect. Thx.

Thank you so much :)

Do I need to pre-order to get the demo? Thx.

Would it be possible to add list-mode icons for your playdate titles at all please?

(1 edit)

Gotcha - best of luck with Ribbit Rogue. Is there a link we can preview it or are you keeping it's reveal a secret? The Itch page is a blank. Can you tell us the genre?

Hi - sorry but I can't see the link for the Demo.

Any reason why not?

Hi, just some feedback. It seems my download had picked up some corruption. It's working on my Miyoo Mini now - and with rumble too!

I'm also lucky enough to own an EZ Flash Definitive Edition and rumble working wonderfully on there with my Gameboy Micro as well. I think the Micro with rumble is going to be the way I go for my first play-though. I love that device and playing such a well made new GBA game on it in 2023 is beyond a treat!

Thank you – I'll try to replicate it and do the checksum thing – and thank you for the swift support btw.

(2 edits)

I'm having a similar repeated crash on two separate retroarch cores on my Miyoo Mini. In fact at the moment the Miyoo Mini is auto loading to the same crash and I can't using the device. I'm guess I need to remove the rom completely for the SD card and try to reboot. Considering the Analogue Pocket isn't emulation it shows there may be coding issues - and it not being the devices or software. 

The cores were mgba and gpsp - this is the first game I've seen crash both of those cores.

The game works fine on my OG GBA and Gameboy micro using an EZ Flash Omega though.

UPDATE: Nothing wrong with the game - just a corrupted file that must have happened when transferring to my SD card. I just re-downloaded it and it's fine now.

Gotcha. Actually I loaded it into the 'nor' memory on a EZ Flash Omega last night and I could see it's about as big as any GBA game I've seen :)

That sounds a perfect length! With this sort of game I tend to go for the 100% too. And if the demo is anything to go by I'll enjoy relaying it plenty.

With the Demo being essentially a prequel do youthink that could also be added to the main rom as an bonus menu option one day? It could be renamed 'Goodboy Galaxy Origins' or something?

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May we ask about the final 'howlongtobeat' time please - as a rough guide. Is it a short/medium/long game. Are there many planets/levels etc?

Many great games are fairly shot - like some of the 2D Metroid for instance - but it'd be good to have a bit of an idea of length.

(1 edit)

Congrats on the release!!! This is up there with some of the best looking GBA pixel-art out there! Can't wait to see if the full game is to the quality of the demo. Wishing you great success with your game.

Hello, I just sent a small donation to support the game, thinking that would give me access to the PNG cart to play on my Mac and Miyoo Mini - but it didn't. Do you think you could supply this please? I don't really want to play it in the browser.

Also, why can this game not be found on Splore please?

Excellent - hope it's straight after please. I don't collect physical games anymore I'm afraid - but I've been waiting for your game with huge anticipation. Played the demo though many times by this point. Can't wait.

Please let us know if we will be able to buy a .gba rome for use on a flashcart please - as we'vebeen doing with the demo.

Thanks :)

Hi - any chance of an update. Waiting anxiously for the release - are we getting close? Also wanted to double-check I'll be able to by a .gba version for my Omega Flash cart for on-gba play?

Hi - any update on expected release date please? I thought you had this pined for April 2023?

Hi again - that worked great! The game is really good so far - I'm just starting level 6. Some very challenging sections, and I'm hoping I can get through if the game ramps up much more. But the movement is very precise and fun, and the controls have just enough to them to allow for some finesse. I can totally see the speed-running potential. It's really excellent stuff. In terms of 'feel' I'd put it alongside excellent games like Mos Speedrun, and I think we can even mention the original Super Mario. The games I've been enjoying most this month are Metroid Prime Remastered and Pac Man Championship Edition for the NES. Now this sits with them. And it looks lovely too. Played on a Miyoo Mini.