Затянуто, пресно, скучно. Артстайл непостоянный, управление неудобное (мышь для пропуска диалогов, никакой индикации отката рывка, зоны видимости ворон и всего такого). Автор еще и рекламится через ктрл-с-ктрл-в на случайных дискорд серверах. Потраченного времени жаль.
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Дисбаланс присутствует, это правда, но лично мне казалось, что щупальце и разделение лучше альтернатив. Разделение позволяет фармиться не прилагая усилий, а щупальце пусть и не очень полезное, зато хотя бы не убирает инерцию, как прыжок.
Идейных вдохновителей ты правда угадал, но там еще была та .io игра, где нужно было дырками есть дома. Спасибо за отзыв!
Я не знаю, во что я только что поиграл, но мне понравилось.
Тема не раскрыта (особенно тема поиска травы), графику будто 4 разных человека рисовало, геймплей был весьма унылым. А еще я половину диалога пытался понять, кто есть кто. У боевки классная идея была, но сделать хороший файтинг на джем, ожидаемо, не получилось :(
В целом солидарен с хмаком, но хочу также добавить, что тема была раскрыта весьма посредственно (разрастание тут только в нарративе присутствует, и то текстом). Проблем с управлением не почувствовал, оно вязкое by design, разве что чутка неинтуитивное в начале. Хочу также сказать, что игра выглядит профессионально, это вообще большое достижение для джема. Мне нрав.
Прикольно. Но если тебе не будет везти с рандомом (я в основном про кровавые карточки, которые нельзя избежать), ты проигрываешь вне зависимости от принятых решений, что для головоломки просто непростительно. Еще некоторые апгрейды показались ненужными, я обычно растил кладбище, но ближе к концу игры уже просто выбирал что-то другое вместо апгрейдов, ибо +10% к случайному стату не выглядят сильно полезнее 4312 зомбей.
game looks amazing (cutscenes tho felt cringe because you are portrayed not as some king, general or even peasaunt, but just as some cartoonish dude with the dream face), plays good too, it feels polished in that regard, but i want to say that enemy pieces' behavior can be really dumb sometimes (like here on the screenshot, i just held two pieces under attack with my queen and other pieces tried to defend them? what i want to say is that enemy ai seems to not understand the goal of the game, it tries to eat as much of my material as possible, sometimes even doing stuff like sacrificing a queen for a pawn)
It's WASD for movement, mouse for raising undead and E for changing entity you control (K0bla should've mentioned it somewhere, some of our friends also played this game and said that they had no idea what controls were)
Oh and you also can only switch to a zombie from the book and from a zombie to the book, no zombie-to-zombie for some reason :/
Oh, the idea with the B section of the music is great! Although I'm not really good at composing, I'll definitely try to write more melodies next time. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I want to finish this game, but with newfound experience, creating a new project (maybe based on the old mechanics, who knows) will definitely go better, and I won't have to glue everything together on the last day.
And yes, the game was made IN scratch 💀
Fun fact: if you jump back on the row of breaking platforms right after falling, you can actually get to the color-and-layout-changing-door without any special abilities. There is no point in doing that though, so curious player can get lost even more (as far as I know, you can't progress in blue layout without the pole)
Oh, sorry for misscomunication (and broken english aswell). What i meant to say is that the game doesn't feels polished enough: main character is pretty sloppy (combining with her height she does not feel good to control) , hitboxes are a bit unforgiving at times, attacking feels wrong (I can't really describe why tho). Regarding metroidvania aspects, they are one of the most unique that I've seen, but I have to admit that I haven't gotten too far to see them all.
Dynamic camera makes you see less in the direction you are going in + when you fall your character can get out of sight, which feels wrong (oh, and camera is zoomed in too much imo). Crawling state makes you smaller, allowes you to climb walls and does not affect speed, so there is no reason to getting out of it (unless you add some enemies or hazards so player can not stick to walls 90% of the time). I have to say though, controls felt smooth and crawling around denying gravity was pretty fun.
(sorry for broken english)
Thank you for feedback! I know about some of this game's problems though, and almost all of them exist just because i did not had enough time (and last 3-5 days of the jam I wrote so much spaghetti code, that now redoing everything from scratch will be less painful than trying to clear that mess). By the way, that boss fight is basically the last encounter, and if you defeat him, he just disappeares in drawn-in-paint explosion, and thats it: no credits, no special winning melody, not even a textbox saying "congratulations, you won", so you haven't missed much.