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Broken Shoe Productions

A member registered May 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for adding it in. :)

The tileset itself is not included in the download. Could you please add it?

(1 edit)

hello random random person reading this, im looking for somebody who is good at making chiptune music to make some song for my new game.

 im making a game in GB studio and need somebody who understands how it's sound engine works, the audio must be playable in GB studio.  if you want to read the Doc on how it works please see here:

i can not pay you for this project and i am sorry, but im making this on Zero budget.

you can contact me from my email

thanks for reading! :)

howdy person who is reading this, im looking for some help with by new game and all I need is a few drawings of rooms in a house.

 You can contact me at my email

Or my discord Person of doom#6885

Have a good day :)

hey, just wanted to find out a bit more about the role/roles, so I sent you a friend request on discord. Have a good day! :)

hi im Groovy,

I'd like to help with the project, I can make 8-bit ships, enemies, effects, backgrounds, etc. If you want to contact me my Email is

thanks for trying to game. ill be sure to add an image soon. sorry about the music, i finished it about an hour before submissions were done but when i put it in the program the pitch went way up.  glad you enjoyed the game though.

thanks for trying my game! So glad you enjoyed it.  And your game is super great. :)