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Brodie Farrell-Oates

A member registered Feb 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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How am I meant to get this cross? haha :P 

Yeah, I've got SIN. It didn't trigger that round I don't believe and the boss also hadn't broken any tiles yet. It is the second boss encounter.

I think this may be a bug? I'm in a boss fight and had to built myself into this position due to bad tiles at the time. I think the boss is meant to realise I have no path available and hurt me (plus reset the tiles)?

Congrats team! Loved seeing this progress :D

Correct, the crash occured when I went to place a tile and then tried to put it back (to grab another tile).

It does get a bit easy towards the end, you can end up with so much life that it doesn't really matter if you have to block of large sections of the map.

Maybe a max limit on health might help? It would take a bit to work out the sweet spot for late game difficulty, perhaps around 50

Made it this far and then it froze :/ loving the game though, I've put way too many hours into this!

The popups to show what a gem or powerup does are sitting behind the selection for me in latest Chrome - it makes them hard to read

Super cool, great work team

Excited to see this progress

Interesting concept mate! Keen to see it progress. Gives me Motherlode vibes 😀

Heavy for heal/shield - hollow for attack

That might not be a bug, it might encourage you to play to expect that - keeping dice off their max level. Personally I like it