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BritSlav Games

A member registered Sep 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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A small level where you can walk around and explore the space station! 

Download it here:

Very interesting concept and immersive, love the twist at the end!

Thank you so much for playing through the project! We're glad you enjoyed it overall! Certain aspects of the game need more work, like we've mentioned this was developed in just 9 months and it was a student project, so, with no prior knowledge of... anything, we learned as we went and this is the result. 

Thank you very much, you're very kind! And a BIG thank you for reading the lore and for letting us know about the bug, this is why game testing is so important! We're currently working on an update which will (hopefully) fix some bugs, game optimisation, and it will add more to the game.  :) 
Thank you! We worked really hard on the atmosphere and sounds played a big part in that :) We don't really have an OST, we bought some music from purpleplanet and motionarray, and some we made by layering tracks and editing them :)
We also appreciate the custom thumbnail you made for YouTube! :)
A big hug from BritSlav Games! :)

We love that you read everything, it means so much fellow Slav! :) 
We're SHORE you'll enjoy our update.
We send you big WAVES :)

Thank *you* for playing! :)

thank you so much for playing our game! :))

Ćao! :)

Ja sam taj Srbin, ovaj Srpkinja, moj partner je Englez i imali smo pomoć od strane mog druga programera, koji je takođe Srbin. Glavna inspiracija je sprska mitologija, najviše sam čitala Prognana bića. Plan nam je da počnemo sve ispočetka i napravimo mnogo veću igru sa istom pričom, kada budemo imali sredstava. Hvala puno na interesovanju! :)

Cheers & Živeli :)

We played and loved your game! The atmosphere and the effects are so wonderful with great attention to detail and creepy cutscenes. It´s incredible! :)

Thank you for playing! We´re so glad you also enjoyed it and we´ll keep everyone posted as updates release!

Thank you so much for playing! We´re really happy you enjoyed it and more will be coming with future updates! :)

Ćao! :)

Hvala ti puno što si igrala Čarnu! Mnogo nam je drago što ti se svidela, fenomenalna je slučajnost što se i ti zoveš Čarna, divno je ime! :)

Puno pozdrava iz Srbije i Engleske :)


Hello, thank you for your playthrough! We´re really happy you enjoyed it and we´ve watched through your entire video! We´ll be implementing more improvements in the next update from things we´ve seen so far! :)

Thank you very much for playing through Charna and thank you for your feedback! We´ve watched through your gameplay and we´ve already got plans to implement changes in the next update! :)