Is it possible to have anyone other than Hinata and Nami?
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Bug Report #1: Going into the shack in the forest seems to break collision detection. After leaving I find myself going through walls, tables, doors, people, etc. Heading into the room where you can rewatch the scenes and walking into one of the walls there seems to fix it for some reason.
Bug Report #2 Additionally, somehow I seemed to have skipped the first two scenes with Naruto. I suspect it's because the Infiltration Path was open before I was told to get the scroll. I can't unlock those scenes right now.
Having said that, this is a great game and my only criticism is that there isn't more content at present. Looking forward to more!
Suggestion: Natsu needs the Izumi treatment.
It's easier than you think. The labyrinth will change after you get a few keys. Keep a big stock of Anaph herbs and don't be afraid to cross the aphrodisiac vents when they're active (just use the Anaph herbs when you get hit.) I'd recommend doing a lot of grinding as well. I was level 95 before I actually entered the Capital. :P
I've encountered multiple bugs in the Underdark. The first one is at the cell where you first encounter Taramiel and Isivriel. Sometimes (though not all the time) the door is already open and the characters are there, but the cutscene will not play. I was able to skip them and go straight to where the characters are captured. On a different playthrough, all of those parts went as intended, but once the part where you have to go to the Katselia weapon shop comes up, the game will not proceed further. I can go to the Underdark after that, but the whole thing is bugged. Nothing plays as intended and I get sent back to earlier cutscenes with my party still intact.
Looking good so far. A couple of ideas:
Keep starting out as human, but allow changing your race by doing certain things in-game. For example, turning off the "magic phallus" during a scene with Lycandra, which would have a chance to give you lycanthropy. I say a chance, in order to encourage repeating the player's time with her if they so choose.
Add succubus race, which you can become by summoning one, perhaps requiring a specific item gained through a side quest. Again, the change made possible by turning off the "magic phallus" during a scene with her (for example.)
Maybe add some bonus content for taking companions to different regions? Group scenes.
Add different reactions from characters if you're not wearing anything when you talk to them. I noticed you can just not wear anything, and it seems weird that, for example, Ramona wouldn't even acknowledge that during your first conversation. Perhaps allow character to get hard when your just walking around?
Discovered a bug with the "follow" command. Tried going backwards to where you spawn and Ramona wouldn't follow me past a certain point. Had to manually move her.