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A member registered 54 days ago

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(1 edit)

Hi all. Happy to have found this community. I've been a composer in the film and TV space for over 15 years, working on everything from Law and Order to Disney Parades to collaborations with NASA. I've been a lifelong gamer but have yet to dive into game music writing until now. I'd love to offer my experience, learn alongside you and collaborate to make some memorable experiences. I'm happy to join in both paid and unpaid projects at this time (schedule permitting). Below you can find some samples of my work. If you're looking for something specific and want to see if I'm a good fit, send some concept material my way, and I'm happy to write a sample. 

General Reel:

Website: (some videos are PW protected. Please DM for access)

Feel free to DM me here, or send me an email to

Can't wait to start working with you all!

-Brenton Costa

(1 edit)

Hello TenseGames Team! Your game looks adorable and I would love to contribute to this project. I have been working in film and TV for over 15 years on projects ranging from Law and Order SVU to Disney Parades and everything in between, but I am new-ish to games. I would be honored to bring my music experience to your team and at the same time grow with you all. Attached is a link to some hand-picked samples that fall in the cute/whimsical genre for you to listen to. If interested, please shoot me a message, and perhaps we can make something magical together. Best of luck with your game, and I look forward to hearing back. 

Very Best,

Brenton Costa