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A member registered Nov 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Really appreciate the effort here, but sadly it just doesn’t “feel” like a Zelda game. I’m not sure if this is due to limitations of GBStudio or what, but it feels very “off”.

1 - Can’t move diagonally.

2 - Combat is very stiff, and has no visual or audio feedback that you’ve hit an enemy (or that they hit you). The comic bubbles don’t really fit.

3 - Can’t just walk over an item to pick it up, have to press a button.

4 - Moving around an arrow cursor in the submenu or map instead of just moving a selector from one object to the next.

Again, appreciate the effort. There’s some solid framework here, but it needs some more work done to “feel” right. I’m not saying it has to be 100% authentic to an official game, but like… play Link’s Awakening for a good idea of how this game should play like.


Finally, potato!

Funny. :^)

Has been done, and now we are safe!

Appreciate what you do, man. Don’t worry and take your time!

Ah, thanks! I hadn’t bought the metal detector yet, so I didn’t think to try that.

Also, there IS a shovel… just that you can’t order it. You have to find it.

(3 edits)

Okay, so there’s something I can’t figure out with the latest version… Spoilers, I guess?

The radar is showing 5 entities. Myself, the ATV, and two cameras… and something a little bit southwest of the research station. I guess kinda towards Juliet/Kilo. I can’t find what it is, though. Even tried to create a completely new save file, and that same entity is still there. I’ve wandered around in that area, and even setup a beacon in the area to make sure I was close to it and… there’s just nothing out there. Anyone know what this is?

It’s possible that MrDrNose already had UE4 before the release of UE5, and didn’t want to switch over/lean the new engine (not sure how different UE5 is from 4, as I’m not a developer myself).

My guess as to what you’re experiencing (haven’t tried 11 yet)… Because the dev doesn’t have a code signing certificate (which isn’t cheap to get), it is “unsigned” code. Meaning, Windows doesn’t know who published the program. By default, Windows 8/10/11 will block you from running software with an unknown publisher. However, the warnings that pop up should allow you to acknowledge it and run it anyways.

But without seeing what you’re seeing, I don’t really know what issue you’re running into. This is just my best guess.

The vagueness is part of the fun of VotV.

So is new ways to torture Joel.

I changed the binding for Ragdoll from C to M, so that I’m less likely to accidentally press it.

I think what would be neat, is if Gray Edition is added to the actual game, either as another mode or as an option toggle.

Upgrading Computer Power won’t decrease download time. That speeds up calculations (for processing signals to a higher level, I believe). Rather, Download Speed is what you would want to give a couple of upgrades to, as that’ll make signal downloading quicker. Additionally, different signals have different sizes, so that will also factor into how long it takes. For example, black hole signals are HUGE and take a long time to download.

Also, you may want to consider upgrading Filter Size, as that makes it easier to adjust the filter when downloading (and the closer to 100.0% it is, the faster it downloads).

Too many mushrooms.

OK, just did some further testing… sv.hash doesn’t start working until after you’ve gotten your first daily assignments. But even then, it’ll work from any satellite.

For example, after unzipping 0.5.2, my first assignment was Papa and Tango. I started with Papa, since it was closer to base, and got a hashcode. Then went to a closeby satellite (Hotel), and was able to get a code from that as well.

Download it to a drive, and then you can use the drive wiper by the garage door.

Maybe an option to have the map and radar on the same side of the building, so that they face the same compass direction?

I’ve found an odd issue (not sure if this has been reported before):

When walking over a palette after you’ve dragged it around a bit, it’ll send you flying pretty far.

Both the Detector Status and Download have to reach 100%, I believe.

It runs on Unreal Engine 4.

Keep in mind the compass arrow in the corner of the screen. If you aren’t targeting a satellite, the RED arrow points north and the BLUE arrow points south.

So when looking at the radar, you’re facing south. Whereas when you’re looking at the satellite map on the opposite side of the facility, you’re facing north. The compass on the radar and map reflect this, too.

So, it is intentional, as it makes sense based on the direction you’re facing.

Bought because of Jobel. Really neat ideas in the game, and looking forward to future updates, too!