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Hello everyone!

For this edition we wanted to give you a space after finishing the jam to do a brief and optional pitch of your projects in front of your colleagues and part of the jury.

Tomorrow, Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Spain (GMT+2) you will be able to present your project. To do this, send me a private message with the name of the project and that's it, I'll give you an hour to expose it on the 🎓 class channel (

You will need to select a leader who will talk about the game while one of your members (the leader or other person) streams the presentation. This can be a small power point, a video, a live gameplay, etc. Whatever is most comfortable for you.

You will have a maximum of 10 minutes to make the pich.

Please, before the presentation, test your connection and make sure that you can stream without problems. It's very important.

And that's it! Take advantage of this opportunity!

If you have any questions you can ask them right here or by private message via Discord (franruiz#8344). See you tomorrow!

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I have the pleasure to announce the very first GDSG Game Jam Winners:

Gestuman []


The Retriever []

Tell me a Story []

Thank you everyone for participating. We were eclipsed by the high quality of the summisions. Seriously, there is GOLD here. Every project has something unique and we, -the jury-, learned a lot and got highly inspired by your work. Congratulations everyone!

Due to the quality of the submissions, we decided to give feedback to every project of the game jam. So send me a MD with your account and the name of the project to send you the feedback via twitter (@botttos_) or discord (franruiz#8344) and I will send it to you ASAP.

Thank you and see you soon ♥

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Wow! The movement was very satisfaying and I had a lot of fun completing the game. 

The level design is nice, but I was a little bit lost and some jumps felt like jumping to the void.

The dynamic sfx when walking over different terrains was a nice touch, it added a lot of feel to the movement. Congrats for the result!

By the way, I DEMAND an update to hug the sad guy, please, I need it.

Clean, simple and addictive. This is a very good example of how to approach a game jam. I loved it, congrats for the result!

Pick one or more:

1. Two Buttons
2. Color Palette (
3. The game ends where it Starts

Have fun guys ^^


Thanks for playing! ^^

Best game I've played so far

Very interesting mechanics!

Very lovely game!

At the start I felt bad for collecting the flowers with those cute faces, was a little bit creepy.

I enjoined a lot the overall experience, was very relaxing. 

Congrats for the game!

Thank you so much! <3

I loved the concept of this game! Also the level design was pretty good, reminded me to "getting over it". Very nice!

The save function is a RPG Maker tool so I don't know where the problem comes from :l

I saw this in a forum, try to do what says the second comment: rpg maker forum

In which platform are you running the game? I guess is Mac bc the permissions error, just to know,

Sorry for the problem, tell me if the solution worked please, I don't have a Mac to make tests :(

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

She is hide somewhere ^^

Thanks for playing!

Me encantó <3

Thank you!!

I'm sorry, there is not a "pacific run" mode right now hahahaha :)

Hi! thank you for the feedback.

The original dialogue was in spanish and is very hard to translate because have a lot of complex sentences and adages. The experience is different because of this and I'm  so sorry to hear that :(

Anyway, thank you very much for playing the game and leave a comment with your feedback, I'm glad you liked it :)

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Hi! had a little bug and the musician's cube didn't spawn so i couldn't complete the word :(

If you want more info to try fix it send me a message.

Nice game btw!

Really liked the pixel art and the theme, it's very original.

Congrats! loved the game!

Beautiful <3

Thanks for the game

Really loved the pixel art <3

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Thank you so much for sharing this! Loved your video, we really enjoyed  to see you playing our game.

Thank you! We decided to turn the duck darker over time to emphasise the change when the duck gets sober and the conversations get more and more uncomfortable through the game

Loved it! <3

Hi everyone! I'm presenting an experimental video game about drug dependence.

The main objective of this is make the player feel what a drug addict feels like, making him emphasice with this taboo problem at the end of the game. 

To reach this, we produced a gradual change of being comfortable to  ending uncomfortable through dialogues and increasing the gratifying of consume drugs on each trip (with the power of gameplay, visuals and music).

In addition, the design of each character and the evolution of their attitude is linked to the consumption and addiction of five different types of drugs.

We wanted to avoid any kind of score or achievements that could blur the main goal of our game.

If you have some suggestions about any aspect of the game, we are really open to listen it and discuss.

Link to the game:

Thank you!

Hi everyone! We are the guys of ThatGoodParty and we are creating this post to announce that we kept developing the game we made on this jam and it's already uploaded!

You can play it going here:

Thank you!

Thank you! Really appreciate it!

Loved this game! The particles were so good.

Gj, was very fun!

Really liked the concept of this game!

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for playing It!

Really appreciated :)

Nice concept! The bombs rate confused me a little bit but was pretty fun!

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@COrange made this game with me