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Bored Witch

A member registered Mar 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Work in Progress

Still 0.15.1 here, tho

I believe its only for the paid (patreon) version... wanted them too, still waiting for them on the next update - dreaming doesn't hurt, I guess

Just copy pasting my last comment about it-

This one is a bit tricky, since you'll need to do quite a lot - it took me more than a month in game to get it because I was kinda lost too.

Make sure you only has one heart with him, 'k? It won't happen if you have the third heart (involving the Den event). But you'll need at least 40 likes too. I did with 70 and went smoothly. 

First, you'll need to talk to him and help him with his job.

You'll need to progress on the Living Aspects of the village too, with Bernard.

Then the "new road" event, offering Ste to go to Bareshade and talking about constructing a new road since the underground can be dangerous. You'll also need to supervise and help the workers. (I got anxious trying to keep everyone alive, seriously).

I also went to the fair with him, but be careful on what you talk about. He won the guessing game (boy just loves our smell, and he knows we knows it) and gave us a Lucky Charm necklace. Wear it. 

Then stay at your home in Bareshade, not the hut. At night he'll make a visit. Create a save file if you want to have the angry sex scene, but came back and choose to stop him if you want the heart. In the morning, grab his hand.

Hope it helps ♡

Not yet, sweetie

I love it how we just keep having more rambles and ideas and all of them make sense in a way - also how we can just go on and on talking about - it's so much fun. 

And YES for all your ideas (aside from the lewd fame, mine is 0 and I don't plan on leveling up - dunno, not my cup of tea), seriously, they're amazing!

And yes, please. Please. PLEASE. A system where when we don't visit for a while - I'm thinking about two weeks to a month - they get anxious and worried and have a talk about it. Fucking please. They can even send letters. Like, we're at Northcrest (or close enough), and Torben brings letters for us from worried Bernard, who's been also talking with Logan (who got moody and grumpier since we've been gone), the Lizards (who are so freaking worried they're going to Bareshade even on weekdays just to check on us), Korg (who's obviously worried sick, and even makes food for two sometimes, just wishing we're home soon)... 

Just thinking about this gave me more ideas lol

Gonna keep quiet, don't have money to become a Patreon and actually give these ideas to Hyao haha

Will probably write a few drables ♡

I loved all your ideas, omg

But taking them with us will probably be a feature far far away for now, considering how much work this would take. Talking with them in search for comfort or just open ourselves up sounds like a more viable option. 

Still, let's keep our hopes up, yeah?

I can't stop thinking about Bernie looking at us with both worry and admiration on his face while we talk about some shit - like beating the orcs up - or freaking out when we're badly hurt, or even just hugging and caressing while we talk about the Nameless, the zombies, ghouls, and whatnot. Can easily imagine him saying something like "Thank you for keeping your promise (the one about us being careful), I love you too much to lose you", ans something like "I love that you trust me enough to talk about your adventures/misfortunes". Maybe some comfort sex? Praises, sweet love making. Bernie being the cinnamon roll we love.

Or Logan going batshit crazy considering how we smell of death after that town, worried like hell, inspecting and sniffing us to see if we're hurt, or dying. Hugging us enough to hurt when he finishes checking us.  Or being all proud when we say we beat an orc and countless zombies/ghouls. Something like "That's my girl/boy/love" and we question him, just making him go beet red. Proud sex with lots of praises, praise kink going through the roof. Angry praises includes some dirt talk and names.

Or maybe even Rhot hunting us down when we step close to the temple just to check on us since we reek of death, spating something about "Don't make me worry like this ever again, you silly human!" while burrying his snout in our hair or neck, making sure we're alive and well. Making sure we're still hot blooded and fine. "Don't go making people fall in love with you just to almost die!" "So you love me?" "S-SHUT UP" and his tail holding us firm in place. Possessive comfort sex. Easily some "my human needs to make sure to come back" or "never forget to come back to your lizard" between lots of love and possessive talk.

Also, can you imagine Roushk and Othra running through the temple to hug us out of worry? I can, both of them talking about how thankful they are for us to be alive, there with them. Lots of "My hero" talk, some tears (mosly coming from Othra), praises, sweet love talk, admiration talk. A few "thank Razit and Orsu's blessings to keep you safe" and "please, [name], just try to take care of yourself the same way you care for us". Maybe, and a massive maybe, comfort sex and cuddling. After care and everything. Just a really sweet time. Hopefully with Othra being included. I hate how we exclude her when we're with Roushk. More love to that adorable lizard, please.

Idk, got these ideas while reading your comment.

You'll probaly have to return a save from before giving him the love potion. Then, do NOT give it to him when the option appears. He'll hate you if u do. 

Sorry, but I have a silly question plus idea

Would be okay if after we found the [spoiler] zombie city and survivors, solving or not the whole situation, we go find comfort with Bernard or/and Logan? 

Cuz really, I find out the whole situation to be quite traumatizing for the MC, even the texts show it how hard it is to be there and walk around. Maybe searching for some comfort with the ones they have a heart or something would be nice.

Love the game, really, I was just thinking about it since I arrived that part. The anxious MC and heavy situation got me thinking about searching comfort, what I believe would be appropriate considering everything. (Aside from getting comfort from Feliar, he's cute, but Bernie and Logan are the best, even if the last one sucks at comforting-)

What do you think?

Thanks ♡

Sorry, dear, but I have a question 

How can I master Rylan?

Try like this, sweetie:

1. Succubus Leaf

2. Water Lily

3. Succubus Leaf

4. Water Lily

5. Nymph's Hair

Tha Day Witch on the Swamp. She teaches both Aphrodisiac and Love Potions if I'm not mistaken. 

Oh, that happens sometimes to my Female MC too. Some scenes just switch to him/his/he

And my Android is not that old.

That's exactly what I'm doing lol just trying to enjoy the game, and Hyao do some amazing plots and lovable characters - Bernard, Logan, Rhot... they're in my top three, too freaking cute ♡

(There's something that makes me grinn when I play DL that when we're walking around the town two figures pops up and they be like "So you're the one kicking rapists asses, right?" and the player goes all proud like "that's me alright". I love it.)

What is this about the Discord tho?

Hello sweetie,

As another person who has been SA countless times before and actually abused for years - and the person roams free on the streets - I can say that I get your point. I truly do. But the thing is, I'm yet to find a sex focused game that has not even a moment of non consensual stuff. 

Just like in the real world, these things happens in games that focuses on sex.

I have to say that this game is actually pretty tame in comparison with others that I've seen before, and all the non consensual part being avoidable is a huge step. It can be avoided, and sometimes you even forget that this option exists while playing and beating up the crap out of enemies. Really. Not to mention that said enemies can also be avoided by scaping method. Literally running away. Personally I like beating them up - what includes leveling up faster, and sometimes using cheat cookies - since that gives me satisfaction. Truly.

Also, I enjoy well-constructed worlds and plots, what this game happens to have. And I'm not saying it to hurt you or anything, but I don't think there's a porn game without even the slightest mention on noncon stuff. The closest you may get it'll be the green route on this game, and perhaps the vanilla route on Degrees of Lewdity (that also has amazing world construction and characters, even if the general plor gets tricky to find).

And about people not being able to discern things... unfortunately it's not like they'll change. The heavy amount of sex games that not only enable this behavior, but also encourages is disturbing. I honestly have no hope on people changing on this aspects, but that's exactly why I like beating enemies like them in games.

Also, I hope you're getting mental help and support, dearest. You're stronger than you think. Wish I could hug ya. If you ever need to talk, lemme know. Survivors should stick together ♡


I was thinking of something like, we open the table, use it, and the moment we close it pops up a text saying like:

Idk, wariness check?

You've noticed while working that Bernard's attention has been on you. For a while now. He's been quiet and is working slower than usual, just to watch you. Admiring you, openly so. Once every few seconds he shifts his whole attention to what you're doing, probably thinking you'd never notice.

Now, depending on your intimacy level:

"What?" You ask the shopkeeper.

"What, what?" Bernard smiles looking at you.

"You're staring."

1st: "It's just fascinating to watch an Herbalist work, I guess. Just a bunch of ingredients and boom, a potion. I could never, I'm sure of it. You just makes it look so easy. I know I'd make mess after mess." He's pats your back affectionately. "Glad to know we're in your very capable hands."

You smile, finishing up what you were doing, and gives Bernard a hug.

"Thanks, Bernard."

He kisses you on your forehead, answering the hug with a bear one.

"Anytime, [name]. Glad you're visiting me more often to work. Always a pleasure to spend time with you."

Then we leave, finishing this interaction. 

2nd: "I am admiring you work. Do you have a problem with that [name]?"

"Nope." You smile. "Not at all."

Finishing what you're doing, you turn, getting close to the shopkeeper. He smiles more openly, hugging your waist, resting his forehead in yours. Your hands on his chest.

"I'm glad you're visiting me so often, even if it's just to work. I get to spend more time with you, and I can admire you brewing your potions. Never seize to amaze me watch you doing it, looks so easy. Not that I could ever do it."

"Dunno, I never had an apprentice before." You joke, earning a smirk. "Also never heard of an apprentice having other apprentice. Want to try?"

"No, thanks." He laughs. "My hands could never work on something so delicate." He pauses. "Well, aside from you, maybe..."

"Oh, Bernie..."

A tender kiss followed, showing how much the appreciated you and your presence. The pure joy on his smile after the kiss made you smile as well. You'd never get tired of kissing this man.

"Now I have to go back to work. Come visit more often."

"For you to admire me working?" You tease.

"You'll have to come again to discover." He kisses your nose. "Always a pleasure to spend time with you. Love you."

"Love you too, Bernie."

Then, we leave ♡

But still, that's just me and my hopeful heart to have cute interactions with this teddy bear ♡

Water plate, first found, used outside the ruin - on the junkyard 

Earth plates, found inside the ruins (I have two of them)

Wind plate, first half while investigating the ruins, second half from the rat King 

Fire plate, it doesn't exist at the moment, work in progress 

That's exactly what I want to know

Poor Bernie needs the rooms more than us, but still... Going in and out the city every single time isn't really and easy job for the Herbalist (when it's not night and we have to wait for the next day), and it'd be so fun to just brew some potions while Bernard's like, admiring us or something - that would be so like him

(2 edits)

Sorry, I have a question

So, I restarted (simply because), but I'm curious about something... while upgrading Bernard's home, is it possible to use the three upgrades?

I think the most I got from all my saves and routes were two, the meeting room and storage room. Is it possible to upgrade a third time (the herbalist's table)?

[When I suggested the table first, he did it - but we never got a second upgrade. When I suggested both the meeting room or the storage, we got a second, but never a third one.]

Blow up the slimes with bombs, or buy it from the witch (I think it's the night witch)

Acho que não deve lançar tão cedo,  chuchu

O jogo ainda tá atualizando aos pouquinhos, e como tem em inglês, acho que devem expandir pra outros idiomas (se expandir) quando o jogo estiver perto do final

(1 edit)

That's pretty much how I think it will/could go: 

We help Lady Tess, we help Northcrest. We help Scar, we keep Gunnar alive safe. We finally discover what that damned family did, and how to stop the zombie's uprising. We encounter Paulo and his son(?) at one of the cities we talked about. Brave reputation goes up, we open doors to go to others places AND Lady Tess would owe us big time. Unlocks interactions with both Scar and the Knight. Maybe some confrontation with Jester. We receive free pass on Northcrest. Orc war arc - I'd love to kick more red orc ass on the run, but would probably invite Korg.

Curious about how everything started after the teacher made poof and disappeared, but also intrigued by who tf could have told the Orcs about us... Hmmmm... Too many coincidences are not coincidences at all. Sus.

I really have no clue  on what's about to happen, but this would be really cool ♡

Yes!! And Rhot's tail makes him twice as adorable, really. When goes up to MC's waist possessively and he smacks it makes me giggle so hard I can't- . And when we get to show Caleb around and Rose scares the shit out of us, just for us to go to fricking Logan who makes fun of us and tries but fails to not show how he's laughing because of it... damn, I couldn't stop smiling, the whole date was adorable as heck ♡

Dunno how you feel about it, but it would be cool if we could ask Logan to help us with furniture, and also leave trinkets from our trips on our house in Bareshade. Maybe the furniture idea could lead to cute dialogues - like the one he admits he loves our smell. Just had the thought while writing this. Or we could finally invite Bernie home. I think he would melt if we decorate the house and invite him to see it.

And about hyperphantasia, it's mostly my mind working nonstop on scenes and creating fanfics on it's own. It's not annoying if I don't talk with people about it. Most people find irritating how I can create fanfics from literally nothing about pretty much everything. Works for me cuz I'm never bored, tho. And also helps my writing, even if I don't publish anywhere.

Yeah, this game is really good. Everything is seriously well-built and written. The soundtrack is perfect. The characters are amazing.

I don't actually know, but it would be nice if helping Lady Tess investigation on the missing family leads us to the key of that freaking door, and if it does, it could save the party while also giving us time and whatnot. Dunno, but I think the investigation is somewhat related to almost everything that's happening on Northcrest. Including this feels event.

Truth be told, both Bernard and Logan hold my heart. They're so lovely it hurts. (Rhot is quite cute too, as Caleb, but these two... ♡)

You're talking about having high hopes... dearest, my anxiety hyperphantasia is creating lots of stories about this game, some heartbreaking, others fluffliest than the whole pack. Whatever happens, I just hope for the best outcome among the options we'll receive~

That's exactly how I feel! It's a wholesome rpg with mature parts and characters so well-written that even without any mission to play (I'm sticking to my decision to not play the whole Invasion to Northcrest thing again without a clear way to enter the abandoned mansion simply because it must be a way to save Gunnar) I still keep playing for the characters and gameplay overall.

I'm avoiding the furry island for now because there's nothing to do and Sabal gets me confused with his talking, and I'm not sure, but I guess there's a way to avoid any bad endings in Northcrest involving Lady Tess. Alden said he would try to schedule a meeting. And I refuse to be stuck in that camp without seeing Bernard or Logan anytime soon.

But that's just me and my wishful thinking

But... he'll always be the shopkeeper, no?

This one is a bit tricky, since you'll need to do quite a lot - it took me more than a month in game to get it because I was kinda lost too.

Make sure you only has one heart with him, 'k? It won't happen if you have the third heart (involving the Den event). But you'll need at least 40 likes too. I did with 70 and went smoothly. 

First, you'll need to talk to him and help him with his job.

You'll need to progress on the Living Aspects of the village too, with Bernard.

Then the "new road" event, offering Ste to go to Bareshade and talking about constructing a new road since the underground can be dangerous. You'll also need to supervise and help the workers. (I got anxious trying to keep everyone alive, seriously).

I also went to the fair with him, but be careful on what you talk about. He won the guessing game (boy just loves our smell, and he knows we knows it) and gave us a Lucky Charm necklace. Wear it. 

Then stay at your home in Bareshade, not the hut. At night he'll make a visit. Create a save file if you want to have the angry sex scene, but came back and choose to stop him if you want the heart. In the morning, grab his hand.

Hope it helps ♡

(2 edits)

I see... actually I kinda like him, he came on the Halloween event and seemed sad to be the Villain, then, he came and offered a choice - but I was wary of him since the whole "I can control your friends whatever I like to get what I want" - and then he came again, to warn us about both the witch (who is sketchy as hell) and about the whole thing happening in Northcrest.

I'm just worried about hurting someone in the process because the characters are pretty lovable, y'know?

So, I have questions...

First, will Logan get more date content? I finished his content so far (and he gets cuter and cuter-) but we never get a proper date with him. Bernard has the hut, the company during work hours, sleeping together and Caleb-herbalist-Bernard (threesome?) moments, which I do love about him, he's adorable, but will Logan receive dates too?

Second, is there a way that serving the Nameless will fuck me up? Because I'm seriously scared of serving him and ending up hurt someone I care about...

[Still processing the fact that I genuinely feel heartbroken and fell in love with a heavily gay themed porn game]