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A member registered Feb 06, 2024

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A really good game jam submission. I liked the game concept with the door between light and dark. I think there is still a lot potential to add more mechanics to this. I like the game art and music too.
Here are some 'problems' or 'bugs' I had while playing the game:
- It seemed like some parts of the game window were cut off / in the menu you could not read the whole game name and sometimes it weren't possible to see where the next platforms are (light or dark 'mode').

- The character did not move with moving platforms - felt a little bit off

- I did not die after falling down I still could walk but could not see my character

Maybe you have to change the camera size/behaviour a little bit.

Apart from that a really good game jam submission. Was fun to play.


Simple but cool game concept. The Small talk was funny.
I only had one bug where the knight went to the next "door" and the screen stayed blue.
The game has good potential if you add some puzzles maybe or other mechanics to open the doors.

Ah now I had 22 points. It is x points - 2^y (not 2*y)

Good game Idea.
The scope was small enough so you could finish the game.
I am not sure if I did something wrong but I had always zero points.
I think a score during the game would help to get a better understanding if you did something wrong or right.
Was fun to play.

Thank you!

Thank you for your nice feedback.
We couldn't add so much gameplay yet but we want to keep working on the game after the jam.

The cat excist, but we couldn't implement the cat yet.
But good to hear the marketing worked haha


Thank you for your kind feedback. 
Was our first game jam and it is good to hear all the nice feedbacks although the game isn't really finished yet.
We want to keep working on the game after the jam. Maybe you can check it out then.

Thank you for your feedback.
The fact that you want to know what's behind the doors is good to hear. We want to keep working on the game after the jam.
We'll let you know. Maybe you can check it out.

Thank you for the feedback!
Yeah we couldn't really implement all our ideas. We want to keep working on the game after the jam.
Was our/my first jam.

Thank you for your kind feedback.
I will check out your game too.

Thank you for the nice feedback. 
Was our first jam and we want to continue working on the game after the jam.
We'll let you know.

Yeah but I had like 12 and I was spamming Right Mouse Button and nothing happened. Sometimes it worked.
Do I have to do something else?

Could be a really good game. I love the concept the art. But for me the mouse control makes it almost impossible to enjoy and play the game. I can not really click the things I want. The heal potions doesnt work for me. Maybe I did not figure out how they work. Sometimes I could throw them sometimes not. And the game were really laggy in my browser. Maybe it was my laptop or something. 

I am sure it is a really good game, try to improve those things and I will definitely come back and try it again.

I really liked the music and the game idea was good too. 
But I could not read the text and maybe it is my monitor but the scene were really dark as well.
It seemed to me that you theoretically could pick different abilities at different points but you did not really have a choice because of the level design.
Apart of that good game was fun to play.

Great jam submission. The game was fun to play but I think after you got 2 weapons it was a little bit to easy with one spawn point. Sometimes I got a little bit stucked with the dashing at the side of a wall and I had always 1 or 2 coins that I couldn't collect. They were just lying around. Apart from that really good game.

I liked the game funny Idea, I had to laugh. I destroyed over 900 doors. Good work and yeah really strong door :D

I liked the game funny Idea destroyed over 900 doors and had to laugh. Good work.

You can dash in every direction not only in horizontal direction but in vertical. I did not realize too.