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A member registered Jun 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

yeah I made this like a year ago. I already realised lol.

thanks for the feedback and sorry for taking so long to reply, I completely agree on this as the background was hastly made and I thought the map had to many blank sections, I take all feedback into consideration for my main project and what you said about the map will really help with that game when I get to making certain parts, anyways thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback, I know about most of these glitches but didn't get time to fully polish the game (example: I was finishing the menus hours before the deadline like an idiot) and I would of fixed them, but the fact that you finished the game and still managed to have fun surprises me, still thanks for playing!

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This game is really well made, the concept is genius and though hard it is fun. the only thing I can say I dislike is waiting every time you get a game over for the cutscene, but overall its a great game!

Thanks for the constructive criticism! the funny thing is most of things you mentioned bugged me as well and I didn't like them. but I will take this and use it for my actual main project.

Thanks for your comment thederpderp I'm happy you enjoyed such a scrabbled together game I understand that some bits were untested and made it hard but thank you for still playing. I did use a game engine though.

thank you for the feed back

as I've said before  all of these were meant to or were added after beta testing but during the second export the files corrupted so I couldn't fix it(we still had 5 hours left) but anyways thanks for the feedback. I am going to remake this game so I will keep this in mind

I can understand the problems and I knew they were there but what happened is the files other than the first exe one  got corrupted so I couldn't fix it. But anyways thanks for the feedback I will keep that in mind for my next gamejam game.

there are on the title screen it says controls but good suggestion

Thank you for the feedback and also what you're meant to do is switch colours to red to go back through the switch to orange to get through the next wall 

decent game has a good gameplay idea and is fun the only complains I have is that the controls are a bit janky and that the hit boxes are to large but over than that it's good

At first when I saw this game I didn't think it was going to be good but after trying it, though short it was quite good really nice gameplay and really fun the only thing I can only I can say isn't amazing is the art which in my opinion is a bit overwhelming but other than that its good! :)