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A member registered Feb 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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Heya, thank you and sorry for the delayed response!

I'm hoping to eventually get around to fixing up any bugs and improving the UI in the classic version, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to that.   The UI will probably be a big focus. I work in UX design these days and avoid showing people the game because the UI, haha.

I am hoping to put out a few small Chester related projects in the meantime though.  
I've got a short prequel comic in the works and a small VR environment project I'm hoping to finish up while we're all locked up for a while.   

Any of these small projects I'll be putting up here on itch when they're ready.

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for the support, it means a lot!
Unfortunately updates on the remaster have been a little on the slow side, but still making headway on it and really hoping that once that is finished up I may be able to get back to work on Chester United.

Thanks again for the support and congrats on the 100% (should have some new content to explore even for the completionists sometime soon!)