How many levels are there?
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Pretty neat. I love the graphics and character designs. My only issue it it's a bit too simple due to the fact that there are no health points or lives so getting hit by enemies doesn't seem to mean anything other than affecting your time and score. While getting hit does take away from your score it's quite minimal. Maybe you should change the amount that gets taken away if a score based system is what your're leaning towards.
I'm using the latest version 5 of RGM and I am right off the bat having some issues that weren't covered in this tutorial. I dunno if it's because of my operating system or what. I'm using Windows 10 and left mouse button for shooting does nothing. It doesn't work at all. Not even right mouse button. Also I tested with the default spider enemy... he get's stuck in his attack animation and also when doing damage to you the screen doesn't even turn red despite the box being checked in the settings.
I was really excited to try and make something in this program but those issues really put a damper on things...
You not had these issues or heard of anyone else having them?
Just played it. I really loved it! Sure there are things that I hope will be ironed out but as a demo it was pretty polished. One issue I ran into was on level 2 when activating the first save point. I didn't yet have enough coins to save the checkpoint but he offered me $100 coins I think (forgot exactly what he said) for one of my lives or hearts (forgot that too lol). Anyway after that when it played the saving animation and music, the dog cowboy was still there but the frog went completely invisible. I was still controling him but I couldn't see him. He re-appeard after I got hit by an enemy.