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A member registered Aug 02, 2018

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You are very welcome! And I will definitely do all of that. I might be out of a job soon, or very reduced pay, which is what is kickstarting (I wonder how many back-to-back comments that will make it in haha) my desire to spend some focus on this in the first place. However, once things settle down a bit I will definitely hop on the train and help support as best I can. Also, In the future, and through your discord I hope there is a chance to work with you in creating some more bespoke things (for pay of course) given that I really like your skill and style, and if this game decides to work out, I will need an okay number of specific-ish (artistic license fully given) npc's and characters. In fact, your profile avatar is very close to a design idea I have for a very central character in the story. So your input in the design, or flat-out designs, in the hopeful future would be appreciated (again, paid of course). But that is all WAY down the road from now, given my timing, skillset, ADHD, and current story/mechanics ideas. (two of my favorites are: no map will take less than 15 minutes to walk from one side to the other, and fast travel that isn't exact (via a one-eyed owl, that likes shiny things). you'll be in the map area you want but where exactly is up to him HAHAH).

ANYWAY... Thanks again for providing all of this for us, and I look forward to being able to donate in appreciation sooner than later. Great Work, and I'm looking forward to seeing your continued offerings!

I have been trying to start up a game for years now, but have never been able to find placeholders I was okay with using. You have made some of the best assets I have found to date, and your freebies are a godsend. With any luck and a lot of work, I will finally be able to get my game up and maybe do a Kickstarter if it goes well. You are most certainly making it into the credits and beyond. I have a bunch of mechanics that I want to put into games, but I need games to do that, and I need assets to do that so again, Thank you. I wish I had something to donate right now, but sadly that is not the case. But if I can get this up and running, I know where my first stop for more assets will be. 

I have an Idea for a game I would like to start making, but I don't have the patience or talent for creating 2d assets. The game will be a sort of Metroidvania with heavy stealth, souls-like, and Shadow of Colossus influence. that said the majority of the sprites will need to be large. I am willing to pay for any assets though I am not promising the most pay. But most things for the game I don't mind being used as portfolio or as a base for other projects (with minor changes like color or such). This is a pure hobby project for now, and the assets i mostly need in order to put together a mechanics demo are:

  • Large Wolf Boss (LARGE) like 200x400 w/ animations
  • Slimes in various colors (small) 16x16 - 32x32 w/ animations
  • wolf (medium) 32x64 w/ animations
  • PC (I have a base sprite but it needs work and animations) 16x16
  • item assets (Bow, knife, flowers (types of lillies) 8x8
  • semi dark forest tileset (not strictly needed)

All of the general sizes can be scaled up by one for ease of detail but the main idea is that everything is much larger than the PC

If you are someone who can help please contact me with your rate, the items you would be interested in working on, and an approx amount of time needed if known. 
