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A member registered Oct 24, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you !

I wont share the source code, but if you have some questions we can talk on Twitter

Sorry there is no options to disable the bloom

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Hey, unfortunately there isn't, but you can skip levels with numpad +/- and keys o/p. But yeah solved levels are not saved between playthroughs so you will have to redo them if you want to see the ending :)

its is running inside the unity game engine, everything else is custom made (terrain gen, meshing, physics)

Hey, sure, give me your discord

Good job !

yes that's the only one i played

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Yes i tried all keys and i couldnt attach to other cubes anymore

You can add multiple builds to the same game page and have the webgl on top of your page. I got stuck on level 2-5 the reset button stopped working. it was getting interesting !

Sure, Can you upload a WEB build please

Thank you very much :D

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I dont have a mac to test it, it is probably a permission problem. I built it on a windows machine so it has default permissions. Using the console go to the game folder :

cd <PATH_TO_FOLDER>/Sunburn -

Then change the permissions

chmod -R 777

It should then work, tell me if that did the trick !

I dont have access to a mac to test the game on it. Maybe you need to change the permissions ? I can't help you sorry

i wont add controlls sorry, right click will always be the only button to jmup

Thank you for the feedback. I didin't realise how slow it was. I updated the game it should be slightly better now !

Cute game, good job !

Great concept ! I got them good !

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That was fun ! Good job on the aesthetics it looks very good.

Amazing level of polish. good job

I will never even dream of hitting 10,000 points. Just maybe give the player a preview of the incomming enemies to avoid losing against an unforeseeable enemy.

Good job !

Good luck ! There is actually 3 upgrades for speed. Attack speed, bullet speed and movement speed !

Thank you ! Glad you enjoyed it :D

I love your work. IMO your style will fit perfectly to a nervous arcade game.  You can check my games on my itch profile. Hit me up on discord if you are interested ! 


If i remember correctly i managed to stack 3times the 5x bonus 

Pretty confusing at first even with the tutorial area. Reading the comment about angry birds made me understand instantly what i was supposed to do !  The blue dots are not worth the effort to get them, or maybe its just because i suck ^^.

Love the gameplay loop ! that was really fun. Good job ! 

That was cute, good job ! 

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The player doesn't learn about the bounciness of the meat form until he has to do a move that make him fly across the map without any visibility about where he should go / land. The player falls into the unkown, maybe you don't realize it because you know the map but it is very confusing 

This game is very confusing, the difficulty is way too high and the path is not very clear at first sight. I tried to master it but i just couldnt i gave up after 15 min of frustration 😥only reached the first checkpoint, i guess.

Great idea, the combo system is sweet ! i wish there was more levels. good job !

Looks very nice. i didint find a use for the vertical control.

Is that any good ?

The music is chiil, hard to understand the purpose of the green wall. Got first place 😎

I wish there was more levels, i started to get hooked to this portal vibes.


What i had to do was a bit confusing, i loved the visuals tho and i can see myself playing a survival game on an infinite railway. 

Good job !

Took a picture of what i believe was his face 😂

i wanted to get good but the impact of the randomness made my journey to the first place very frustrating, and i didin't get there 😭Good job

Oh boy it's very hard how can someone get to 6k ? 😮

good job !

Vool concept, I had to tryhard once i understood the multiplicator multiplies itself. 

Got first place 😎

Good job

That was fun, good job,. Got first place :D

I didin't understand the boot and fuel upgrade. Maybe just give  some informations on the game's description ! Got first place tho, good job :D