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Bit By Bit Sound

A member registered Mar 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! :D

Actually, the recent updates from village/dungeon/fantasy II are already available in this pack. So yes! 😁

Thanks so much for your support! Glad the songs are contributing to your game!

For anyone who is interested, you can check it out here!

Happy to help man. Great game! A lot of fun :D

Hey this was pretty fun! I legit enjoyed figuring out how to solve each room. Thank you so much for including my music in your game! If you look to expand on this idea further, feel free to let me know. Would love to work with you on it! :D

Hey! Sorry but no, I don't have the MIDI's for these tracks on the market. Great question!

Wooo! You're the man, Red!!  :D
Thanks so much for all your hard work on this!

Hey thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the tunes!

Yeah, I've noticed that too. Not sure why it does that. :(
The downloadable version shouldn't have that problem though!

Hey it's my pleasure dude! Thanks so much for the support, and great work with the game! :D

Thanks dude! I was really happy with how that one turned out too. Send me a link when it's posted, would love to play it! :D

:D 👏 🙌 

You're very welcome!  Enjoy!

If you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


If you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


Clock is ticking! Get those entries folks!


Aw man, well you can still pick it up and use it in your next jam! :D

No worries, happy to help! :D

My pleasure! Happy to help. :D
Thanks for sharing your game, I'll check it out when I have a chance!

That's awesome! I'll have to check it out. :D
Thank you!

My pleasure! Enjoy the tunes! 

If you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


f you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


If you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


My pleasure! :D

My pleasure, happy to help! 

Enjoy!  😎

If you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


If you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


If you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


If you need some retro sounding tunes for your game, here is a free bundle  of mine. 37 songs, a good variety of styles. Got a playlist so you can listen before you download too. 

Good luck in the jam, and enjoy the tunes!


(1 edit)

Just a few helpful links to get you started with RPG Architect!


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Gracias mi amigo! :D

Hey nice work! Thanks for including my music in your game. :)

Happy to help, thanks for sharing! :)

Hey my pleasure! :)

Awesome! Glad to hear it, and happy to help. :)

Great work, thanks for including my music in your game! :D

Nice work! I left a comment on your game.  Happy my music came in handy for you. :)

Hey nice work! My best was 778M. Whenever I had to turn magnetism off I would plummet a bit too fast which made it difficult to recover from. Great game jam entry though! Thanks so much for using one of my songs! :)