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Bishal Kisku

A member registered Apr 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Pretty easy to  find Waldo (including part 2) if anyone knows about cursor functionality. It has potential if designed cleverly.

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Just a joke, 

Not only you can shoot at enemies but also at the castle. Make a game around this concept.

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Loved the color well as the game.

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Easy... Just exploit the "one second glitch" bug.

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My score: 54

Is diagonal movement a part of the character movement? If it is, then it's great. But you need to normalize it's value, because it moving faster than your horizontal and vertical speed also make it in all 4 diagonal directions.

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Thank you for playing my game. It means a lot. Your's suggestions were great among all the reviews.

I am still a beginner and still learning all the stuff. But sure I will make a remake of this game in future after I become quite experienced. 

I will definitely keep your suggestions in mind and try to implement those in my future games.

Whoever might read this, please go and subscribe to "Queen faith Official" on YouTube. Link is given below.


Thank you for playing my game and reviewing it via your YT channel. Truly appreciate that. I wish that your YT channel grows.

If you wish, please leave your feeds on the game.

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It could be nice parody, where the player itself increases the difficult by upgrading itself. This might make a great game.

Suits well with the GMTK game jam 2020 theme.

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Haha... It was funny. At first I thought that I have to pick faster than than the others but later I found out it was not. Xp

Anyways, great art work and music. Also if possible make a pop-up message on each upgrades to let players know what the upgrade is for.

Did you compose the music? And when did the game will end? Xp

It's addictive.

Thank you for this valuable feedback. This was very helpful and like to implement these in a better version of this game. 

I tried to rectify those things which you mentioned on feedback 1 and 4. But every time it's the same. Seems like I need more learning. Since it was an experimental project, I didn't implement much level.

Once again, Thanks for your suggestion.

I recently released one of my experimental project, name "Within". Since I'm still a beginner to game development, so it might not be good. But your feedback, honest reviews, some improvements and ideas will help me to boost up my motivation.

WITHIN is a horror endless runner game where you only jump to dodge the obstacles. If this sounds interesting to you, then please give it a try and leave some feedback. Thank You in Advance.


Are you ALONE? Or there's EVIL lurking in the dark? Doesn't matter. Eventually you've to face your greatest fear and surpass it to live.

WITHIN is an casual Endless Runner game.


Since there's less detailing, so I made my UI thick...

But sure, I'll work on it as well as the rotation speed.

POP COL is my first indie game project. If possible then point out bugs or any annoying aspect of the game to make it better.


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Pop Col is free to play, casual web game. The main objective is to pop all the incoming Knobs with the exact color of the Arrow. Controls are pretty simple but need to be attentive.

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