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A member registered Mar 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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Regarding the second glitch: do you remember what part of the game/ending/route it was happening on? 

Hehe, thank you!!


Yup, turns out there was a glitch on my end id missed, hahs. Fixed that though, should be working now. Thanks!

Hey! Regarding the confusion ending thing, turns out there were a couple glitches id managed to miss, whoops! Fixed it and reuploaded, so that should work fine now. Thanks!! I will continue poking the code to see if it was something else triggering the other glitch though, thanks for letting me know!

Hey! Turns out there were a couple glitches id managed to miss, whoops! Fixed it and reuploaded, so it should work fine now. Thanks!!

HAHA, wow, yeah thats quite the experience. Kudos to you for giving it a shot without the context of the rest of the story! I packed a lot of stuff in it for people to explore, that doesnt have much if anything to do with the route encouraged by the story. Hope you're having fun!