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Bird Watchers

A member registered Apr 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We're happy to hear that you enjoyed our game!

Thank you! We are really happy to hear that! <3

(2 edits)

Happy that you liked it!! If you want to vote for us in Gather Town we would be so happy!

It's simple! You click on the link, create you avatar and then follow the pink ballons and signs to a people choice carpet. When you find it you press X and then you can vote!

Thank you Patel_and_Raul!

/The Bird Watchers

Yeah we had 2 others encounter the same and thanks to you guys we found out why and fixed it! So you are very welcome back and try it again if you want and have the time! 

Again thank you so much for letting us know, it really helps us to fix the bugs quick! 

/Team Bird Watchers

We're really happy to hear that! Thanks for playing :)

Hi Richard! Thanks for playing our game!

Hmm, it seems you may have encounter a bugg unfortunately. Thank you for letting us know and we'll try to solve it as quick as possible!

Glad you like our controls!


/Team Bird Watchers

That happens sometimes. Windows is pretty careful with .exe files, but this one is safe. Let us know if you're still having issues!