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Big Brains Games

A member registered Mar 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much, I think I'm going to push it all the way down to production.

I'm actually working on controls. On a computer it's just going to be arrows, but on mobile it's slightly more difficult than that. I was trying to mimic controls that are in the game Limbo by Playdead. But I did notice that people struggle with controls, and I don't know how to tackle that problem.

Itch page

Game's webpage

Here is the first demo version, I want to put it out there and get any feedback I can, so I can release a full version of the game to desktop and mobile and start making a more advanced one.

A couple of months ago I decided that I will make a video game in my spare time. Just for fun, there doesn't need to be any real income involved. 

I write mobile apps for a living so I thought It shouldn't be that hard. So I went straight for Unreal Engine. After a week I discovered that it is way too advanced and I need to start with something that I can easily manage. I made my research and it turns out that Game Maker Studio 2 would probably be the best choice because it's the most entry-level program with the most support.

And yea, I was able to make something nice almost right away, got into pixel art, learned a little bit about that, and started iterating over my game.