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A member registered Feb 24, 2021

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after looking into it, hes been inactive from all his platforms, twitter and patreon included since May. It's a bit harsh to say, and sad even, but i remember when he talked about how unwell he was doing because of a "cold". I think the bitter reality is infront of us, although im hopeful that hes doing well instead. Don't be too optimistic. covid has taken so many precious people away these past 2 years now

Actually yes, you do. I can read your posts by selecting your profile and I have read them. No matter how hard you try, in the end you end up blaming others when it's anything close to related to women and your sexuality or preferences. I don't understand why its these things specifically, and i don't care to know; but you can't cause a very good arguement this way when your history is bare for others to read and view. 

When its ANYTHING else unrelated to the topics of having mislabeled lgbtq tags or the MC having relations with women too, you can somehow be super civil.

no, actually i reportd your original comment on bisexual tag since you go around on this platform bashing any content creators who dont make "gay" content to you liking. theres several games you've already done this on, i reported your comment about 5 minutes after it was made. stop being an asshat, the world doesnt revolve around you.