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A member registered Nov 01, 2022

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Hi, My main experience is writing and I am currently learning Ink and Unity since they work together. This would be my first game jam and I dont have much time either lol but I love games and making games has always been something I'm interested in. I'm a native English speaker and I think I have a few decent ideas for this game jam. Message me on discord if you're interested!

Big Adam C#3540 

Hi! I have writing experience and am learning Ink (unity compatible) and this would be my first game jam and first time making any sort of game. That being said I really love games and I want to learn as I go. My discord is Big Adam C#3540 so message/add me if you're interested!

Hey! my discord is Big Adam C#3540 and this would be my first game jam. I have some writing experience and am currently learning to write with Ink. Message me if you have any interest!

Hi! I'm as new as they come, but looking to learn as I go and want to do it with others! I am learning Ink right now and have some writing experience (not in gamedev) and really love video games. Right now I dont have a ton of free time so I would want to do it more for fun than any sort of competition