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A member registered Mar 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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Oh thats a good idea! i might prepare some rpg items to match this style

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Hello Regniwekim, sorry for the trouble,  i believe you can still download it through the bundle link you can also use the password "monsters" to view it,

The reason i restricted it, its because that was my first asset pack , and i am aware that, i now, 3 years later, have improved in my pixelart skills , so i was working on improving some of the old sprites from that specific package before opening it again, because at some point i plan to prepare an update for it, renewing most of those monster graphics.

I have updated the asset pack , now it includes animated objects and tiles 

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❤ i'm happy to hearthat you like it

Feel free to drop suggestions for new monsters,
i might come back to this asset pack for some new updates at some point

Thank you Skylor!

❤ I am happy that you like the update ,
I enjoyed drawing these😍

Great Stuff! i love the gnoll 
also congrats on the Release!!

Gracias Alwore

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Thank you✨

Thanks @dani_maccari ! ❤

No, but feel free to leave suggestions.

Thank you Alwore! 

Haha it was very hard naming 100 of fishes back then because some fantastical and not really found in reality,
show me your project when you finish i would love to see it! 

Thanks @Nosferatube, can't wait to see the games you all make with it!

Thanks @VEXED ,  I have plans on expanding this, so stay tuned <3

thank you very much ! <3 

caique libera o jogo do kasino pra gente jogar!

they are static images, and in the file there is:
* pngs of each fish in 3 different sizes
*png spritesheet of all the fishes in 3 different sizes

Gracias! <3

hey i love the app you created 
how does the webfeed url works?

very nice pixelart!

(1 edit)

you're welcome

Hello thanks for purchasing i Wrote them down for you 

■ Fishes from 1 to 3 Tilapias 

■ 4-6 Perch Fishes

■ 7-9 Bass Fishes

■ 10-12 Sardine Fishes

■ 13-15 Spot Fishes

■ 16-18 Trout Fishes

■ 19-21 Puffer Fishes

■ 22-24 Catfish Fishes

■ 25-27 Anchovy Fishes

■ 28-30 Herring Fishes

■ 31-33 COD Fishes 

■ 34-36 Triple Tail Fishes

■ 37-39 Snapper Fishes

■ 40-42 Angler Fishes

■ 43-45 Clown Fishes

■ 46-48 Eel Fishes

■ 49-51 Damsel Fishes

■ 52-54 Bluegil Fishes

■ 55-57 Spearfishes

■ 58-60 Salmon Fishes

■ 61-63 Barracuda Fishes

■ 64-66 Piranha Fishes

■ 67-69 Grouper Fishes

■ 70-72 Angel Fishes

■ 73 Rainbow Trout 

■ 74-76 Mola Mola Fish

■ 77-79 Turtles

■ 80-82 SeaStars

■ 83-85 Crabs

■ 86-88 Shrimps

■ 89-91 SeaHorses

■ 92-94 Lobsters

■ 95-97 Octopus

■ 98-100 JellyFishes

Phenomenal pixel art as always, and it was interesting for me to relive a time I didn't live and experience the romantic life of a character in the renaissance.

Sí, todos están a 45 grados.

Llooks great Alwore
keep up the good work

hey amoorino, no, credit is appreciated but not required 

Gracias  @racsgames!

I LOVE THIS!  really fun to play, The art is very charming !!

gameplay is really smooth and the graphics are really neat i loved it !!!

valeu @racsgames !!1

Thank you Skylor!

Great graphics , cute character models  and sound effects , after we learn how to brew the potions the game flows easier and it is fun to play! congratulations on your entry!

looks reeally cool, i love the artstyle

Bank Circle

Gostei da variedade de inimigos que aparecem

em cada wave do jogo, achei também que a musica

se combina bastante com o jogo 

Seria legal se pudessemos utilizar o dinheiro

coletado para comprar upgrades para o personagem 

Parabéns por ter terminado a entrada a tempo e enviado o seu jogo!

Continuous Rooms 

Gostei da temática e da idéia do seu jogo , os power ups

foram realmente um diferencial, também gostei dos 

efeitos sonoros que você criou 

Seria legal se você continuasse o seu jogo e

criasse ainda mais desafios pra ele

Parabéns por ter terminado a entrada a tempo e enviado o seu jogo!


A musica e arte ficaram bonitinhas, e gostei da movimentação

da lixeira ficou bem suave você usou lerp nao foi?

Acho que você poderia continuar o seu jogo talvez criando mais

variedade de levels e uma lojinha onde poderia-se utilizar 

os pontos para comprar novos upgrades para a lixeira 

Parabéns por ter terminado a entrada a tempo e enviado o seu jogo!


Fiquei surpreso ao abrir o jogo e ver aquela linda tela de titulo

o jogo interiormente também é bem bonito , a pixel arte 

os efeitos de particulas e as animações ficaram bem legais 

Contudo achei que você poderia ter implementado o tema "continuo"

de forma mais coerente no seu jogo , outra coisa o personagem

nao morre , e eu nao preciso derrotar os slimes para passar 

os niveis 

Parabéns por ter terminado a entrada a tempo e enviado o seu jogo!