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A member registered Jan 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game was very well done. I liked the art for the animals, they were quite cute. My favorite was the squid. I also like how you had somewhat hidden collectable parasite things like the strawberries in celeste. It felt pretty cool to be able to go back multiple screens with a different animal and get into an area I couldn't before. The controls for some of the animals could use some fine tuning, like the kangaroo having to jump in order to move, but other than that, great job.

I liked the idea of this game a lot. It was really satisfying to get the hang of the movement and I liked the art. I think the level was a bit big for how slowly the player character could move. Other than that, well done.

Nice platformer, I liked the sound effects and controls/movement felt good. A suggestion I have is I would lower the time it takes to respawn so that if people die frequently, they don't waste too much time waiting.

Cool game. I liked the idea of taking the enemies powers. The controls felt a bit delayed and hard to get used to,  but other than that, well done.

(1 edit)

This was a really cool and interesting game. I liked the different mini games and there is definitely room for expansion on this idea. I can see there being a bunch more different plants, more dna mutations, more minigames, and so much more. The only thing I would suggest is revamping the movement controls because they were a bit odd, but that wasn't a huge deal. Very well done.

Thanks for playing. I’m glad you enjoyed.

Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have gotten a few comments on how the signs were a bit hard to read and how the player was a bit hard to see. I'll definitely look into some other accessibility options in the future if I make another dark game like this so you can change the color of the player or I'll at least try to make it blend less with the background.

I liked the art, and the idea is pretty interesting. However, the movement seemed a bit slippery. Other than that, well done.

This was a pretty fun game. I had trouble with the boss because if you don't dash it catches up with you and you can't outrun it and the red blood cells get in the way, but other than that I think this was quite well done.

(2 edits)

This was a really cool concept for a game. Like other people are saying, it's a bit of a bummer that it's so short, but it seems like it could be easily expanded upon. Well done.

Thanks. I think I know where you might've gotten stuck because level 16 introduces one new mechanic.

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, some other people have mentioned the music not restarting after it ends. The music was the last thing I added, and I added it the same day the jam ended so I didn't give myself a whole lot of time to make sure that it worked perfectly.


Fun game. I liked the silliness switch and the music. Well done.

Interesting and fun game. Well done.

Nice game, I like the art style. Well done.

Cool game. I like the art and the concept is cool. I have one suggestion which is that you should activate the fullscreen button in the menu when you post the game. It's not a huge deal, but it makes the game easier to play when you're able to do fullscreen in my opinion.

Neat game concept. I liked the sound effects. Well done.

Nice game. The music was very entertaining. Well done.

Well done. This is a fun game and I really like the particle effects for the fireball.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot. I noticed the signs would be a bit hard to read which is why the simple signs option was available in the menu, but as someone else pointed out, I should've put that in the first level too so you can actually see the difference with the smaller signs that you will end up seeing throughout the rest of the game. As the title sign is easy to read regardless of the setting because it is larger.

Thank you for the feedback.

Cool and funny game. Well done.

Thanks a lot.

Very well made. I like the art a lot, and the gameplay was good too. 

This was very well done. I liked the music, and the idea of the game is very unique.

It was really interesting how you incorporated the gridlock system into this type of game. Well done.

This was an interesting puzzle game. When they started moving I thought that it was going to be really annoying because it would seem really random, but I was still able to clear the levels, even if it was just by brute force. Well done overall, though I think that the theme of parasite could've been incorporated a bit more.

This is a pretty cool concept, and it was executed quite well. I find it a bit ironic that the game is called parasilly and the one wildcard you opted not to use was the silly switch. 

Thank you for the feedback.

 I had encountered the music issue once before, and I had thought I fixed it because I couldn't replicate the issue. And testing involved just listening to the song all the way through multiple times, so it was a bit hard to do. 

I like the idea of putting the simple signs button next to the first level's signs too because the title sign is a lot easier to read than the others which have smaller text. 

I do think that the parasite could use a slight recoloring. I spent quite a while trying to find a color that I liked that didn't blend in too much because I wanted it to be a darker color. I thought that the color I settled with, coupled with the light that comes from the parasite might be good. But I'll probably look into it if I come back to this project and make changes.

Thank you. I know the puzzles are quite easy. I figured it would be best for them to be too easy than too difficult and I could always make them harder or add more later when the jam is done.

the weapons in order not including the locked ones are pistol, assault rifle, smg, shotgun, sniper rifle, minigun. 

thank you for the feedback. I can look into the speed of the player. As for the special round, I had plans to make bosses, but I never got around to finishing them. I may at some point come back to the game and add them.

This is a late reply so for that I apologize but thank you for the feedback. I think that there are some things I could do to add more variety, so if I get around to it, I may make some changes, as some other people have mentioned some improvements/fixes that could be made as well.

With the speed change, I agree. I tried to make a tile that was punishing yet manageable and slowing seemed to be the best fit but if your timing isn't great, it can be sort of annoying. Thank you for the feedback, and if I might come back to the game to fix up some things if I find time.

Thank you for the feedback. I might have to look into the music issue because it was working when I tested. Maybe I didn't test enough though. I agree that the main track is meh. I made the music last minute and I was really happy with the menu music. The other music was harder though. I worked on it for quite a while but couldn't quite get something that I liked as much as the menu music.

Yes, I made the music myself. It was one of the first tracks I've ever made so I'm glad you liked it.

Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it.

This was a very fun and engaging game. Well done.