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Really lovely graphics which fit well together and a nice idea for reducing the oxygen when you light a fire just to ensure the player doesn’t just spam it. The controls are a little finicky when you have to time your pinkie to press CTRL to light things in mid air doesn’t feel amazing on the hand, maybe something on the other side of the keyboard for the other hand seeings as it’s free? Like ENTER or RCTRL maybe?

Hahah yeah, i should’ve really thought about the contrast of the button :D But thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing :) Yeah you’re probably right wrt the firing rate, they do technically have separate fire rates per gun but i really didn’t work on that enough for it to be any sort of useful feature so i probably should’ve done away with it altogether and just simplified it, something to keep in mind for next time :)

Can’t believe i beat that boss, this game is really engaging i really love it! And being able to mess with the objects between levels is a fun idea :)

Hahah yeah thats my fault for putting a blue button on a blue planet!! Im glad you had fun though :)

Thanks for playing! :) I did want to do more with the enemies, having them shoot back/ drop items. Never made it in unfortunately :(

Nice take on the autoclicker games :) was nice when the bouncing back and forth seemingly lined up nicely with the bgm, don’t know if that was intentional but was very fun! :)

Great gameplay and i really love the artstyle, having the fish just hanging out in the bg is really lovely :) fun jumping puzzler with a good amount of features. Was fun working out you can hook into walls with your trident!

quite challenging puzzles and the character design is really lovely :) would’ve liked to have some sort of sound effects for the character and some music :)

Nice unique puzzle idea :) The character art and audio is really great! And you rolled out the different types of movement gradually in the first few levels which is a good way to go!

Thanks for playing :) yeah hotline miami was the main inspiration here, i didn’t really have as much time as i wanted for it though :( For me when i open the game there already is a full screen button at the bottom right, not sure what that issue is!

really nice puzzle design :) feels like an app a little like 2048

Thanks for playing and your input :) i’m still trying to work out how to make interesting enemy AI that wont create these sorts of issues, i had a few times in dev when i just got boxed in by crabs, still much to learn! :D

Thank you very much, although the music is all royalty free hahah, credits are in the description :)

Thanks for playing :) at first i didn’t have many ideas for the fog but then it gave me the ideas for having other things light up in the dark

Love this art! :) So cute, and the sounds worked well when bouncing off walls and getting hit :D Controls were a little fiddly but still good!

Wasn’t too sure if there’s any actual objective, but the gameplay is very nice :) and the way the world moves underneath you is very cool!

Kinda like the mike tyson fighting games timing strike and dodge, very fun! Did you make the enemy images? They’re really lovely!

Quite fun! :) Think if you added some larger fish which might chase you if you leave the kelp could be cool?

The creature designs are really fun, quite like the spore cell level! :)

Very fun and a nice upgrade system :)

Really nice! Intro and the arguments between the gods as i’m desperately trying to avoid rocks is fun :)

Nice atmosphere :) fun to play and i like the idea we’re helping Bernie Madoff hide all his ponzi money

Nice and simple while having a good range of events to happen when you get to higher scores! Plus the design of the fish is really good :D

Glad you enjoyed and thanks for playing!

Really really polished! All the subtle animations and great puzzle design, i’ll be surprised if this isn’t top pick for this jam!

(1 edit)

Quite nice, feel like the garbage piles up a little too quickly but maybe i’m just bad? The art and music is great though! Maybe the recycling bin could float around too?

Really smart use of the limitation! I love my smallest fish in the world

Thanks for playing :) And thanks for the input, i could’ve shown more clearly that the world takes a step after the player does!

Really well written story and the art and music style is nice and comfy!

Thank you for playing! :)

Really nice art :) adding some sounds and background music would be nice but overall great job!

nice quick and fun game, may have been nice to see like a recharge meter to show when i could zap again?

love the falling animation :D the game reminds me a little of chips challenge for some reason

having to control where your "road" went instead of dragging and dropping is a fun choice :) lovely visuals too

good fun, audio and visuals work together and make a nice cartoony atmosphere :)

fun controls and the art style is really nice :)

Thank you very much for playing :)

Wow! Thank you so much, this is the second game i've  posted online so hearing that means a lot :)

This is such a smart idea for the choose your own adventure style! loved the art too :)