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A member registered Nov 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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The balance is an issue yeah, the idea seemed good in my head lol. Thanks for playing!

Love the aesthetic, and setting (loved the propaganda playing in the background). Gameplay was nice and simple (once I properly understood what I was doing). The visuals for all the various things that we have to look out for were great, I'm big fan of putting things like health bars into the game world rather than a HUD. My only gripe is that I ran into a bug where I became one with the train window, and could not escape, and froze to death. Which is not a great to a day of training. Would love to see this expanded on.

Not much to critique, super simple, yet fun game. Nice minimalist art style, smooth controls, addictive gameplay. The only thing I would suggest it needs is some audio feedback and perhaps some music.

First off, excellent work for a 4 day jam. There was a lot of depth to the unit system, with all the different... uh... units. I liked the art style, the heartbeat added a sense of tension. The music got a little repetitive towards the end of my play through. I did encounter some bugs, but the dev was around for the playthrough and knows about them. The main I would want to look at is the selection clicking. In a game where it is a case of frantically on units, you really the clicks to not register, or select the wrong thing. Great entry, well done!

Solid gameplay loop, felt very well designed in terms of the behaviour of the enemy, because I feel it would have been very easy to get it wrong. The jumpscare aspect did not overdone or misused. The artstyle was pretty basic but, it is a short game jam. If you were to keep working on this, I would recommend more detailed artwork, and some sound design beyond just event noises. Great entry, enjoyed playing this one.

Honestly, no notes. I feel under qualified to be leaving any critique on this game. I mentioned to one of the devs in chat about the puzzles being perhaps a little easy, and they are well aware. Amazing entry, well done.

First off, great entry, the game play was fun and addictive. Surprisingly emotive for a game about a pinball with no dialgogue or obvious narrative. The main mechanic is solid and satisfying to play with. In a more developed game I would love to see more puzzles or different kinds of challenges to overcome. Overall, this is a solid foundation for a really good narrative-driven puzzle game. Would love to see you work on it more.

First off, great entry, the game play was fun and addictive. Surprisingly emotive for a game about a pinball with no dialgogue or obvious narrative. The main mechanic is solid and satisfying to play with. In a more developed game I would love to see more puzzles or different kinds of challenges to overcome. Overall, this is a solid foundation for a really good narrative-driven puzzle game. Would love to see you work on it more.

This game perfectly executes the type is trying to be. The only criticism/advice I would offer, is it needs more variety puzzles (which I understand is probably a result of the jam timeframe) if you were to work on it more. The visuals and audio fit perfectly with other and the style of game. As a casual experience, this is a great entry.

Looks great, plays great, interesting puzzles, nice difficulty curve for such a short game. Everything is slick and polished, and I would love to play a finished full version of this game. Well done.

Love the style, music was a tad repetitive (but game jam). Controls for the most part were fine, but a little unforgiving in certain situation. My main observation is that the game straddles the line between platformer and puzzle game too much, and would benefit from picking one side and leaning into it. But that's just my opinion.

Loved the visuals (that look nothing like Minecraft), music was nice, SFX were satisfying. The controls and character was smooth as butter. Despite being shockingly bad at this type of game, I never felt like the game cheated me, so bloody good job. There were a few little technical things, like camera drift when not moving, but nothing that affected gameplay in any significant. Great work, very impressed.

Gameplay was fun, potentially a little easy, but nothing that could be easily solved with a little more dev time. And also, there's nothing wrong with easy games. Loved the art style and music, very cohesive, and reminded of early PS1 style platformers (which is a personal favourite of mine). The game is very short, and would definitely benefit from more levels to increase the length, but I do understand that this is a game jam game made in a very short time. Great work!

Gameplay was fun, potentially a little easy, but nothing that could be easily solved with a little more dev time. And also, there's nothing wrong with easy games. Loved the art style and music, very cohesive, and reminded of early PS1 style platformers (which is a personal favourite of mine). The game is very short, and would definitely benefit from more levels to increase the length, but I do understand that this is a game jam game made in a very short time. Great work!

Thoroughly enjoyed this, and plan to play it more later. The aesthetic and style is on point, the writing is good, and the UI (which is obviously integral) is mostly intuitive. The only gripe I would have is it is too easy to screw yourself really early on in the game, but for a short game jam game, this is a really really really good entry. Would definitely be interested in a more developed version.


Great aesthetic, very challenging but in a way that makes you want to have one more go. There was a little bit lag in places when changing shape which was jarring but not game breaking. Would love to see this worked on, and incorporate more of an audio rhythm element (perhaps a stronger beat or some other visuals moving to the beat).

Hilarious, great writing and voice acting. Fun gameplay loop. Was worth playing through just to hear the dialogue, so the game being fun itself was nice bonus. Could definitely see this easily turning into something like a mobile game, and would love to see where you take this if you keep working on it after the jam. And I would definitely expect to see in the top 100.

Hilarious, great writing and voice acting. Fun gameplay loop. Was worth playing through just to hear the dialogue, so the game being fun itself was nice bonus. Could definitely see this easily turning into something like a mobile game, and would love to see where you take this if you keep working on it after the jam. And I would definitely expect to see in the top 100.

Absolutely no notes on this one, game is slick, art is nice, music fits perfectly. Can't think of a single suggestion that is not just a result of me being absolutely shocking at this kind of game. Great entry, well done.

First off, amazing effort for a short jam, big of Portal, so I thoroughly enjoyed the puzzles. From a technical standpoint, most of my complaints are probably just a matter of time constraints, such as having the ability bring the box closer or further while holding. Some of the box physics were a bit funky. But again, short jam. I do think the size shifting would need to be incorporated more in a more fleshed out game. Great effort.

Loved the aesthetic and cohesive art/music style. The clicking was satisfying (although the click sound could be a little less aggressive). The gameplay was fun. My main critiques is that the mouse cursor felt too big and unweildy, making it harder to grab individuals (possibly intentional?) and there were not enough additional gameplay mechanics to keep the interest for more than a few minutes. However, as a 2 day game jam entry, this is an excellent entry, and I can definitely this turning into a great game if you work on it more.

Yeah I ran out of time to put more STUFF in the game unfortunately. Glad you liked what was there though! Thank you for playing!

Game ended up being a bit lacking in the non-aesthetic side of things so it's great that people are liking the aesthetics lol. Thank you so much for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks! Yeah I picked a bit of a tricky concept for such a short jam lol. Thank you for playing!


Yeah I spent a little too much of my 2 days on the aesthetics and not enough on more elements >.< Thanks for playing!

Ah well, we can't all be super succesful hotelliers! Thanks for playing!

Yeah the game is a little lacking, I ran out of time to put "stuff" in it unfortunately. I was happy with the visuals though so it's nice that it was noticed! Thank you for playing!

I'm very happy with the art style but yeah, it needed more... just more lol. Thank you for playing. And how dare you >:(

Yeah it would have benefiited from more time to balance the numbers. Such is life. Thank you for playing!

Hey, thanks for playing! So, the build you played was actually about a week old. We'd set the page up early on and we submitted the page to make sure we didn't fall afoul of any last minute submission technical difficulties. As of this comment, the game is in its final submission state.

Thanks for the feedback and the kind words LeHero! Yeah there's some bugs, I was a little burned out by the end and just ready to hit that submit button. Thanks for playing!

Haha, thank you! I am planning to keep using Godot (as well as Unity) but I'm dropping GDScript like a bad habit.

Yeah the game didn't quite turn out how I was hoping >.< Thanks for playing tho!

Thanks for playing, Gabriel!

b3agz Jam 2024 community · Created a new topic WINNERS!


1st Place: Unarmed To The Bone (

2nd Place: Stairway Stumble (

3rd Place: Ouch! (

In addition to the prizes listed on the jam page, IrregularSalt has been generous enough to throw some additional prizes into the pot, including a copy of Aseprite for each of the winners. He has also chosen his pick of the jam (not including the winners) who will also get a prize, and that pick is:

Perilous Pathways (

Can the devs of the winning games reply to this thread with a preferred way to get in touch to talk about getting you your prizes. The best way would be to hop into the Discord server (you can always leave straight after, I won't be offended). Be sure to leave your Discord username below so I can verify it's actually you in Discord.

Ey up jammers! I'll be playing your games on stream tomorrow (Wednesday 13th) from 10:30AM UK time. If I can get through them all in one stream (I usually stream for about 4 hours) I will, but I'm not gonna rush through so if I don't get through them all in one stream, I'll continue on Thursday's stream.

I'll be giving feedback (both on stream and in the page comments) but I won't be showing my ratings on stream so as not to influence anything.

The order of games I play will be mostly random, but it I'll prioritise games whose devs are in chat.

You can find the stream on either Twitch or YouTube (b3agz in both places).

That is all!

Okay but remember, if you quit you won't be in the running for any of the prizes. The rating period finishes in a week and then uploads are unlocked.

Hi Layer, unfortunately, that's the only way to update your game before the end of the rating period. I can either remove your game from the jam or you can quit.

Are you just wanting to update your game in general or did you miss some files that prevent it from working?