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A member registered Feb 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hell yeah dude, this rocks!

I am not paying Nohr for the cover art (2.0)

Hell yeah, This is sweet!

I love this so much.  Clean design, simple rules both emphasize the eerie liminal vibes. Editing on the cover looks wonderful. I will be running this some day for sure!

(3 edits)

I just finished a project I think would fit this Jam quite well, but
A) it was initially designed for Mork Borg,
B) Its 3 pages long, though 1 is just a cover page, and 1 is just copyright info,
C) I also summited it to my MB album crawl Jam going on right now.

So would it be cool of i submitted it, and if so do you want me shorten it to 1 page or anything else?  Thanks!
the project in question:

Thank you <3

You need to include the copyright text on the Itch page as well please.

Wait, I think I fixed it!

(1 edit)

I added an extra month to this Jam because of the other Jams for CY Borg running right now.

Only if you click the hot link, those 2 hotlinks have combined and i don't know how to separate them
If you copy paste the text into the address bar it works perfectly well

Dude, Thanks for the shout out!
I have a few really WEIRD background ideas that've been saving up just for this day

Just submitted by dungeon I made for the Jam.  I heard someone mention this on the Mork Borg Discord a while back and knew I had just the idea.  Thought i was imagining things for a short while, as I kept hearing about Dungeon 23 and was just getting myself confused.  I'm glad this Jam is real!

CDT -5

I am working on one more, we'll see if I finish in time!

Buddhist Mummy

LOVE this supplement first off!
Secondly, a question.

When at Zero HP after the player receives a Horrible Wound, and takes another hit after that, do they just die, or do they keep getting Horrible Wounds till one kills them?

Because I've only been giving Horrible Wounds instead of a player going form positive to negative, while if they go from 0 to negative, they just die.


(1 edit)

Good to know Michael, thanks for the response!  Ill have to use allusions or non copyright-able names like Jason or Mars (Madman Marz) or whatnot.  I might make my title intentionally sound like a B movie style rip off (to avoid any legal headaches), that could be fun.

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So, I'm about to start on this this week and was just wondering, what names am i allowed to use?  Take Friday the 13th for example.  I assume i can use the name Jason, but probably now Jason Voorheese or Camp Crystal Lake.  Am I wrong?  What names am i allowed to use?  What about character likenesses?  Thanks everyone, & what an awesome idea for a Jam!

There's even Affinity Publisher stuff!?  Nice!

I keep going back to this PDF when i write my own supplements and run my own games because it's the...
Go-To Mork Borg Weapon's Book!

(1 edit)

I know Owner of a Lonly Heart!  Always thought it was Order of the Lonly Heart, haha, like a Club.  Cool!

Cool!  Never heard of this band before today aside from their hit "Video Killed the Radio Star", but i now must check them out.  From how you describe it, it almost sounds as if your crawl would also fit right in Cy-Borg RPG when it comes out.  Look foward to reading it.

Never heard of it, but the cover looks quite bad ass, i shall give it a listen!  Look forward to seeing what you make.

My second one is going to be for Soliloquy for Lilith by Nurse With Wound, a great dark ambient album .

This completely answers my question.  Thanks.

I have been wanting to create a Cookbook, that turns rations into meals with special effects in the style of Zelda Botw and other similar games.  I have a few similar ideas to this as well, like a Fight Club/ Fists of Fury quest chain.  Do you think these would be at home in this Jam, or should i come up with something more random and peices-parts-ey?

Thank you so much! I should have a new mini project out an the end of this month, and another (a bestiary) when September ends!

Oh man, what an excellent Album! I thought of choosing something from Iron Maiden, but i was afraid i wouldn't be able to do them proper justice.  I love how many of their songs are about representing the plight of the less fortunate, like my favorite, Run For The Hills!  Lookin forward to reading it!

Cant wait to play it myself.  My favorite album from them is Nostradamus, actually.  & I'm down for a queer adventure in every sense of the word!  Hell Yeah

Album Crawl Inception, I love it!  I'm a big Judas Priest fan myself!

Remember when WotC would make the printable "Errata" pages covering typos and changes in 3rd edition D&D?  It would be cool to do something like that for everyone to print out and stick in the backs of out books.

(2 edits)

Interesting choice!  Im excited to see what you managed to turn that pop album into.

(1 edit)

That's hilarious because that was one of my options i highly considered!  I even typed out 2 entire pages of plot before switching!  My other backup choice was Black Metal by Venom, still might do something with that one in the furure.

I, personally, picked the first ever Death Metal ever recorded, Scream Bloody Gore by Death!  Love to know what everybody else picked.

These are really nice!  Thanks for the follow!

I'm sure there are probably a few spelling and grammar mistakes.  Feel free to comment any you see, or let me know some other way!

Yes, im in their free trial currently!  Going to have my hand at installing a few custom fonts today! hopefully i can install them the normal way , and dont have to use the affinity font store, or some other crap.

Affinity's on sale too, currently.

I think im going to buy Affinity Publisher on recommendation from Reddit user   The_Augur

FÖLK-LORE community · Created a new topic PDF Creation
(1 edit)

What is a good free tool to create a PDF document?  I was using Wondershare PDF, but i don't think you want to see a big ugly watermark, haha!  Was going to try Inkscape next, but of you know of something better, let me know please!

If my content makes it into a magazine, Ill honestly just donate my revenue to American Heart Association or someone.