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A member registered Jan 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

So clever, struck the right balance of difficulty and novel puzzles. Really loved when they started getting more meta with whole rooms being pocketed, would have loved to see that taken further. Amazing visuals too!

(I will say, on the puzzle about resizing red, green and blue, the text says to make green the smallest when red wants to be smallest, which threw me off)

Absolutely loved the level of visual polish, the camera movements and the optical illusion puzzles. Amazing work!!

Would have loved to take the art even further but I'm happy with what I managed to get in there. Thanks!

We had a whole levelling system working where performing feats would work you up from Dust Level up to Universal Level, would have loved to get it into the final game. Upside down world is a bug I couldn't fix in time but I'm glad it felt cool haha

Appreciate the feedback! Can totally agree on the control scheme needing another pass/some options of control profiles.

Probably my favourite addition, was super last minute too!

Fair! We definitely needed to downscale the concept to be able to polish more. Thanks for playing!

Ty Lizzy!! Will be making sure to play yours too 🫡 (did you enter solo??)