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A member registered Sep 07, 2022

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(1 edit)

I mean I agree with your points that if I want to develop and distribute the games by myself then I shall learn the basic English and I believe it's quite common thing to do, but the country I am living in, South Korea, a lot of people tend to avoid using other languages than Korean - probably due to some "unfamiliar" letters and pressure from school days, not sure tho - so it's not a problem actually, but I just wanted to pose some more "options" for others.

And for the tools, no offense or disrespect but those tools are mostly based in English and other languages which have a lot of references, examples, and some sorts of "regularity" while the Korean language is relatively irregular to some degree - so still the "translator tool" brings some "uncanny valley" to the players and other auditions for such platforms, that's why I questioned if I may help or contribute for the language support as a volunteer.

Anyway, thanks for your opinion.

I am not sure it's a proper channel I shall drop this suggestion, but is there any plan for the team to support other languages?

If so, I'd like to volunteer for that.

I am telling this because people, mostly indie devs have faced some difficulties to use this platform as their main ones due to the language barrier, and personally I've worked in some localisation fields, so as a fan of, I wanna do some stuff for current and potential members and the community.

My apology if my such stuff are inappropriate for the community, and appreciate your time.