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A member registered Jan 09, 2021 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

Can't wait! Erth was good and this is it's successor!

Good game wish you could save though....

D: This game is dead. You leave us all hanging dude. Finish it please. Otherwise it's great.

Awesome!!!!! How soon is the beta  version coming?

Space does almost nothing for me. I barely jump. Please come out with a save option soon! Other than those it is an amazing game with a lot of potential.

How's it going?

Offline? How do I "Play Offline?"


Explain that sentence please!


How about making it the full version.

Robolution community · Created a new topic What happened?

What happened to this project?

(1 edit)

Stuff in unreal engine is cool...wish I knew what I could do to help. But I'm not a artist or a music guy or a programmer.

I don't do social media

gametime 'till finish..8 1/2 hrs

What are you working on now?

Please make it a ZIP file

I can't find where to find the name of it.

I'm a noob... what's brackeys?

How do I get started making games?

You should make a downloadable version for Windows

Can I get it?

How do I learn simple programming?

What is?

(1 edit)

How do I get into simple programming for something like

Darn and I spend 1hr downloading it.

Windows 10. I open the launcher it acts like its starting with saying unity etc. then I can wait forever but nothing happens. 6.00 GB RAM (5.19 GB useable.) 

(2 edits)

What's the second riddle? Or at least a hint, Pls

Awesome. I'd be happy to play the game to test for bugs!

Underspace community · Created a new topic Launcher

It won't launch

What % are you done until an alpha version?

Make it ZIP please not RAR

(3 edits)

K thx after you get this one all ironed out you need to make a sequel! This is a amazing game!

Edit: Why is there 2.0 video when there is 4.3?

Edit 2: I can't figure out how to get the rail piece. And what's the switch for?

Thx. You do a great job on this game!

Can you add a setting to turn the reflections off. I'm playing on a 5 yr old computer and even with my cooling pad on the lowest graphics it overheats in a 1/2 hour. 

Another bug. I go for the east power stone. The girl has a chip put in her. The guy makes her attack me then this pops up at her first shot.

So the issue was on the Autosave. I went back to my save and worked around it. You can't save the guys sister, teleport to the other city and come from there. Instead I went into Progress City and then it did it. Then I saved her. 

(1 edit)

How do you fly a plane?

EDIT: I learned..hold W

D: ......But I can't wait for it!!!!

Can you put out a pdf/etc. on controls?

(1 edit)

Sure, how do send it?