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A member registered Jul 17, 2015 · View creator page →

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A group is required, at least 3 players (1 GM and 2 or more players)

The Rive

We are in the midst of Winter, foraging for food is only enough to keep hunger at bay. For one to thrive they must catch the prey. Without your guidance the homestead is constantly at risk but giving up now will leave your family without food, all you need to do is follow the tracks before they disappear across The River."

The River turns a game of Texas Hold'em into a narrative of survival. Instead of betting money you'll be betting pieces of a fragile life, threatened by cold and hunger. The rules are simple, most of the rules allign with Texas Hold'em asside from the betting structure and who your opponent is; Winter Itself.

Can be played with 2 to 6 players, or by yourself if you feel comfortable. Play Sessions will vary depending on your luck; average game length is under 1 hour with a longer game approaching 2 hours.

Your purchase entitles you to the entire, fully illustrated pdf of the game and future updates.

"Do You Recall?" Is a tabletop roleplaying game in which players will cooperate on a narrative of horror and intrigue. 

Inspired by Horror Mystery media (such as The Blair Witch Project, Monster House, Grave Encounters, and Scooby-Doo), Players will take on the role of cocky investigators, peculiar locals, and the unwavering "Entity." No single person will control the narrative in this investigation; each player will have a chance to establish scenes, improvise dialogue, and contribute to a growing, terrifying narrative that responds to the level of creepy you foreshadow.