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Really great gameplay controls. I like how scaling is done in this game (growing horizontally shrinks you vertically, vice versa).  Will agree some sections are a little too precise, but overall had a lot of fun with this. Feels very nice despite being just 48 hours. Great work!

thanks so much for checking it out! 

glad you enjoyed!

wow! thanks so much. this was our first jam game and we really poured everything we had into it. thank you for playing!

yeah weird. you should always be able to click if you have more than 0 mass; never really encountered this bug in any builds besides on touchscreen. Glad you still enjoyed the game!

Great game feel. Movement and graphics feels very polished. A short but fun climb.

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Haha yeah the challenge levels are absolutely insane. I'm convinced the dev who made them is a deranged lunatic.

Glad to see people made it to the end. Thanks for playing!

All the art and menus are completely beautiful. I love the narrative of the story and I'm glad we can really appreciate the art in the puzzles. The puzzles here are really satisfying. Great work!

One of the first games I've seen that really nailed the "balancing" part. Love the unique egyptian theme, the art is great. The gameplay loop is simple, but chaotic and fun. Really enjoyed it, keep it up!

Visually amazing, everything feels very polished. I love the idea of using the terminals, but it took me some time to go find information on what I actually had to do and what I needed. The material lists for some assemblies is really long so I found myself having to annoyingly go back and fiddle with the terminal to remember things. Maybe a HUD could be put with details about assembly after selecting assembly mode. Otherwise, I think the process of building was really fun! Great work, very impressive.

Fun twist on a poly-bridge type game. Some polishing of the controls would be good (i.e aim assist), I found it hard to click on points at times. Otherwise, it was a lot of fun! Great job.

Incredible art direction and execution. Concept works well. 5/5 - Definently worth a play, just wish there was more levels !

Funny game. Gameplay gets a little repetitive since the anger meter bulids up so quickly which has you basically always close to the bear. I didn't really get the point of the scale blocks on the map. Still had fun though, and I think it's great for just 48 hours.

Super creative concept, executed well. I'd love to see how someone more skilled than me plays haha

Really unique idea and execution! I could see this mechanic working really well if you would make levels or puzzles for the player (it's kinda easy to rack up points just in endless mode).  Great work!

I like the designs, but the player often gets stuck when shooting blocks, and it's a little awkward to move around. With some further refinement, I could see this being a lot of fun. Great job!

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Thanks for checking out the game!

Really unique concept and mechanics with the tiles. Puzzles were really interesting! Very nice.