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Astral Buddha

A member registered Oct 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello and good day to you! My name is Chris Beyer (Lotus). I am the music composer for the Cyborg Pigeon game that was recently released on as part of / for a 48-hour game creation competition. I also have been working on music for various underground games that are currently in the making. I have also done some work involving satirical commercial music. 

My musical influences ranges from old school classics such as Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy, as well as games from series such as Persona, Suikoden, and Yu-Gi-Oh. I am very easy to work with and am very passionate for video games and how the right soundtrack can really bring a game to life. So, I am currently offering my services for those who feel that my abilities can be put to proper use and help to create the sound that your game is currently lacking or desires.

You can find some of my recent work at my website: