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A member registered Apr 06, 2020

Recent community posts

there's just been a lot of concern i've seen around lack of content? there's only a few updates left for Part two right? part one had so much to offer, this one feels...a bit lacking. I love the new supporting cast, to be clear, and i'm absolutely still enjoying the game, but i do feel similar to those raising these concerns. The Jasmine corruption definitely felt drawn out in a way that came across as disingenuous, though im sure that was not the intent.

I guess I'm also just confused as to why Chapter 2 is a whole new game rather than having all this new stuff added to the game that was already there? you probably answered that ages ago but i never saw it if so. 

Anyways, any clarification would be seriously appreciated!

oh boy. so um. somehow i got the ruby stone before the turquoise stone. What do i do?

looking forward to it

very cool game.  Lots of fun. Any chance we might get a little more control over the transformations?

will there be a download version of 1.3?  

How do i trigger the new update?

Sound fun! looking forward to it

is there an estimate date for the public release? I'm excited to play!

oh okay phew, because i'd love to keep playing but i don't have the money to pony up for that right now.

so whats new in this version?

Black bar keeps popping up on the home screen, and I can’t get past the second location in the Pokémon section