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A member registered Jul 05, 2023

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(3 edits)

Ah great reverse tower defense. It fits the theme of the game jam and at the same time also has a good theme on its own with the file corruption. It gives you the PC corruption goal and executes it in the various levels you implemented and rewards the achieved goal with a nice bluescreen win graphic. The visuals fit the theme and add to it, giving every level a quick timer at the end also gives it replayability and the end screens with replay and continue are convenient. Overall really well rounded experience for the game. Only thing that would need work is balancing, so far only the last level posed a bit of a challenge and was the most fun, every other level could be played by spawning random units. This could be expanded in future, i found out proper tower defense balancing is extremely time consuming and tricky in this jam lol.

Nice execution to reverse the dungeon building, The 3D aspect is really nice and makes placing these blocks satisfying however on the building part the player is left to his own and random chance.

Fun puzzle game that fits the theme very well. Overall feels very rounded as game and delivers its premise.

Fun puzzle game that fits the theme very well. Overall feels very rounded as game and delivers its premise.

Nice to see the tower attack neighbors, good job on implementing three turrets along with three units and multiple levels! Game does feel unbalanced, that's very tricky to do. It is however enjoyable spawning the different units in real time and having them move rather quickly through the field, feels enganging.

(1 edit)

Simple idea, nice execution. Makes for a good rounded small minigame that fits nicely into the theme.