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arcade dogo

A member registered Feb 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks! We're want to keep improving the game for the future for sure

Thank you!  Hope you have fun :)

Pd: If you wanna beat your friends, I'd suggest to pick blue santa  👀

Thanks! Glad you liked it 😄

Hi! This game is still in progress and we will keep working to make it better! We would really aprettiate your feedback.

Happy holidays!

- Arcade Dogo 🐶

(1 edit)

No worries, hope that helps you out 😄

Hi! Thanks! We're glad you enjoyed it :)

And sure! yours looks pretty good as well! 🙌

Hey! Shooting and shielding are only available when grabbing any item, hope that works and its not a bug! 😅 Thanks for playing the game!

Thanks! We're glad you found it entertaining! Will check out yours as well :)

Thanks! We certainly wanted to create that feeling, maybe we got a bit too much excited with the apple haha, but it ended up pretty well

Hi everyone! We just published a couple days ago the game "Honey you're dreaming" as a submission to the Brackeys Game Jam 2022.1, we had a lot of fun making this crazy game, and we hope you find it enjoyable as well!

This is a top down game inspired in the bullet-hell genre, basically try and survive as many waves as you can, using all the diferent and definitely non-furniture weapons you may find...

Anyways, thank your for your time! Feedback is very much appretiated as this team is considerably new

Arcade Dogo Team