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A member registered Jan 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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thank you <3

i really don't know why that happens, it shouldn't happen. i could convert the whole project to OpenGL Es 2 and maybe something would change. That's also a good idea to give access to SnapeFX even to people with OpenGL Es 2 only hardware. One of these days i will do it and as soon as I can i will release a the new version. By the way i'm sorry this happened, i hope that with the new version coming you will be able to run it! 

That's really strange. SnapeFX requires OpenGL Es 3, maybe your gpu only supports Open GL Es 2?

I' really sorry about that, but unfortunately OpenGL is godot's renderer and if your hardware doesn't support it, we can't do anything about it.


Thank you!

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SnapeFX is a free beta software for creating 2D pixel art visual effects for videogames. You can add as many particles systems as you want in you VFX, giving you a wide range of flexibility by combine them together. In each particles system you can play around with Amount, Explosiveness, Spread, Velocity, Acceleration, Gravity, Rotation, Speed Scale, Color, Color  Mode, Texture, Particle Scale, Z Elevation.

Made with Godot Engine 3.3!

If you like this project, an up vote would be really appreciated!


for art sounds and music you did a really good job! the only thing that i didn't really like are the player controls: they fell clunky, and it seems like there is some kind of delay. by the way good job :)

thank you! <3

i'm sorry about the invisibile sprite, but it's actually an Html exporting bug. thanks for playing!  <3

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i'm sorry for the bug but i can't do nothing about it :( for the music, you are right i am very bad as music composer. thanks for playing btw! <3

thanks <3

thank you!

thanks <3

thanks <3

thanks for playing the whole game! <3

Yes, it could be that the soundtrack sounds "jittery" in some cases, i think it's related to a problem of godot engine with Chrome (I suppose).

Space Jam community · Created a new topic HTML5 bug
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in my game the main UFO sprite isn't visible only in the HTML5 version for an exporting bug. can i try to fix it during the jam or do i have to wait for it to finish?

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thank you <3

and yes, for some reason the ufo sprite in the HTML version it's not visible, but i will try to fix it (? I hope i can fix during the jam, in other jams you were able to do that but they don't say anything in this one so...)

it's all about practise... : )

good job, nice art and you followed quite well the theme. but the gameplay lacks a bit of feedbacks (enemies have no health counter and you could have added some more sound and visual effects)

thanks <3

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thank you for the feedback! initially the production increase percentile wasn't this low and i realised it was too high, and the player arrived to a point where basically everything didn't cost anything anymore. as you can imagine this created also a lot of performance issues, so i decided to make the cost of everything increase drastically (probably too much). thanks again you feedback was very helpful <3

thanks <3

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i am really really sorry for the crash. It's written in C# and it was one of the first time for me to use it, so when i tested it, there were some errors but i wasn't able to fix. when i tested it in the editor i didn't care a lot about them, because they didn't do the anything but it seems like they make the game crash  in the exported version. again, i am really sorry for that. thanks by the way :)

wow, you did a very nice job! especially for the feedbacks it gives to the player and the particles, which you used very well. i played for almost 30 minutes and i think it's a little bit too hard. by the way very good job :)

thanks <3

i will probably put the project open source on github or somewhere one of these days. i will link it here as soon as i release it. thanks by the way for playing! <3 

i'm sorry you had a bad experience. i made this in 8 days so it's just a prototype for that mechanic. by the way thank you for playing it :)

thanks <3 i haven't tested it on mac book trackpad so i could be that it has some problems

thank you so much <3

Thanks <3, I will probably make some updates!

Thank you! <3

Thanks! <3

Thanks for the feedbacks and for playing my game :> i will fix everything after the jam ends. I made the game in 8 days and it's comprehensible that it has some problems. for the e/q rotation, i just forgot to put it in the game so i put it into this itch page. 

Thanks :)

thanks :) glad you enjoyed it!

First of all, thanks for playing and downloading the game. Initially the game was not meant to be a HTML5 game and I didn't have a lot of time to spend on optimization, so it could happen that it freezes. I'm really sorry it happened by the way. About the music, you are right and i almost every time underrate it even if I know i shouldn't do that. For the last question, yes, i have played it all, just before publishing it. Thanks for all the feedbacks you gave me, i really appreciated them :)

Hi, thanks for playing my game! I've uploaded some hours ago the HTML5 version (before was download only) and maybe a lot of people just looked for HTML games, so they skipped mine. By the way, very glad you liked it :)

Thank you for all the feedbacks! I'm going to check out your game now :)