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A member registered 35 days ago

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I was planning on duplicating one of the image files and renaming that duplicate to the unloadable file name. Do you think that would just mess things up when the update rolls around?

I am having a similar issue with the game "Lust Doll" could you explain how you just renamed other images? Did you literally just pick a couple images present in the game and just change their name?

(1 edit)

When I am doing one of the scenes with Kitty and choose the option to have him put his feet on me, I get an error saying that the image could not be found. The error specifically reads "Failed to load: img/pictures/KittyFeetF-b1.png". There is an option to retry but it doesn't work. I able to click the key that progresses dialogue but it gives a similar error each time, the only difference being the destination the image is supposed to be in. It doesn't let me progress past this and end the scene. Does this basically lock me out of progressing his story? How can I fix this?