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Aperion Studios

A member registered Jul 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi there! This project was more of an experiment, and currently requires a VR headset. Unfortunately, those 4 tracks are the default 4, and can't be changed. Apologies!

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Thank you!! Thanks a bunch for playing and for your kind words!

Thanks so much for playing! Your comment literally made my day! Take care.

Haha No worries Thriplethre Degree :)

Just checked out 'Project C' and it looks dope! Good luck in the jam!

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No worries Gottinn :)

I just checked out I.D. Restart - awesome job!! Good luck in the jam!

Hi The Architect!

Thanks for leaving a comment, and will do :)

Hy Triplethree Degree!

In the game you can blow into the microphone of your VR headset and push a leaf from one platform to another! Let me know if that fixes the issue, or if you are having another issue entirely.

Thanks so much for leaving a comment!

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Hi Gottinn!

Thanks for leaving a comment. In the game you can literally blow into the microphone of your VR headset and push a leaf from one platform to another.

I should really add a tutorial soon - apologies!

Let me know if you still can't play the game.

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Woah, thank you very much! That's very nice of you to say! Can't wait to try your game out as well!

Thanks Zoroarts! Will definitely try out your game tonight!

Amazing job, love the audio and 80s aesthetic. Also, that bloom though!

Thanks Matt! It was quite a whirlwind, but I'm happy with how it turned out! Amazing job with your submission as well.

Thank you very much Lefo! Honored to be on the Fresh Games section!