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A member registered Sep 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hello, today the main menu for the PCV0 is done, i fixed some bugs and glitches, added the final graphics, and now it is done,  but it doesn't have the "back image" yet, this is something that i plan on putting in the PCV1 or on the Alpha version.It is not very good for now, but i will work on that in the PCV1.

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 The Play button starts the "gun editor", the extras button will not have anything in the PCV0, and the options button have the resolution, the "overlay" toggle and the sound volume, also the Quit button, but i don't need to explain it.

And,  for finishing this short report, we have the "main feature" of the game, the "gun" editor, wich now it is going to be finished, and probably, untill the end of the month we will have the Playable Concept Version 0.

The graphics are very blurry, probably because i just "resized" them, this will be fixed soon, the part selection menu, on the left, only had 3 parts for the test, and again, blurry,  the part stats are already coded in the game, in PCV0 there will be only the handguns from 1700s era, each part will have a 1 to 100 quality,  the handguns will have three required parts, the handle, the receiver and the barrel, and optionally, 4 accessory slots, scope, stock, underbarrel and body.

That's all that i have to show you today

Stay Well. See you later.


The game has already entered in development, for now i only have some of the game graphics, and the basic of the "gun creating menu".

Since this is a very new project, i assume you don't know a lot of things,  other than what the description says, but basically, you will design your guns, start their production in a factory, and then negotiate with the buyers to sell the weapons, for now, my objective is to finish the gun designer, you will create more than just guns, but since i am just making a "first version" only flintlock weapons will be included for now.

In the gun designer, you will be able to chose the gun parts, each one having different stats, the ones i just showed are the ones for the flintlock rilfe in "excelent quality", you will be able to choose the durability for each part, and this will increase or decrease the stats and the price, the "quality" slider will go from 1% to 100%, impacting diretly the part quality.

In this moment, i am finishing the main menu. I am not an Unity expert, but at least i am trying to do it carefully and with calm, to minimize any kind of error in the final game, i have the basics of the gun creating menu, with placeholder parts and random stats, as soon as i finish the menu, i will finish the gun creating menu, soon you will have a playable version.

Stay well, see you later