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A member registered Nov 29, 2015 · View creator page →

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This was fun. I really should read instructions tho. I played until the boss thinking the player was not meant to move lol. The boss threw one arrow straight at me and i was like "naaaaaa, im stupid"

Currently, unless im missing something obvious, there is only the "default" preset when you are in the sprite export menu.

Every time i close and reopen a project the export options i have set revert to the defaults.

It would be nice to be able to save custom export settings and have them persist in the Presets menu when exporting.

Thanks Kenney

I came here hoping to find a way to save some custom presets for 2D exports.

It looks like they got one step in that direction as there is a "Preset" drop down that currently only has a "Default" option. I don't see a way to save my presets in the menus anywhere.

Its a pain because each time i reopen the project im working on, i have to set the export options.

sounds good, the main thing I would like to change would be a more polished UI, I know that's really vague, but I'm on my phone so can't write a big post.

I think you've got a nice idea and a good start here though.

nice. It's great seeing things made in anything other than unity or game maker tbh lol

Are you thinking of taking this project much further?

what programming language/tools are you using to make this?

did you use shaders for a scan line effect? Or is it part of the textures?

this was great

one of the best game dev tools in the WORLD :)

This looks fantastic btw. Could I ask what engine you are using for this?