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Ante's Company Publishing

A member registered Jul 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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I keep thinking about this game. I don't think its possible for me to overstate just how consistently I have kept thinking about this game for, I think, a year now.

Wizards are no longer the only ones who wield chaos in their hands.

An expansion of the original Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPGWizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG - To Bleed the Very Soil introduces two new player archetypes: the Druid and the Herbalist.

These two new playstyles, each with their own distinct flavor and lore, provide players with a whole new wealth of options to choose from, whether it be the Lovestain charge-casting of Druids, or the chaotic crafting of Herbalist Concoctions. In addition to these archetypes is a compendium of the various creatures which stalk the planes of the Sphere, providing DMs with entirely new options and ideas for just what can lie beyond the rim of civilization, lurking just out of sight.

Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG - To Bleed the Very Soil is available to download for free at

Humanity would be better off in Hell. Unfortunately, they designed the Devil.

Based off of the Harlan Ellison short story of the same name, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream sees players take on the role of the last members of humanity, puppets of pain kept alive by the supercomputer AM for the sole purpose of torment- a supercomputer also played by another player.

Using a single-page, rules-light system, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream encourages exploration into the deepest parts of the human psyche, and the pain we cause ourselves and others. It is an uncomfortable experience by design. 

Rather than simply adapting the story of the original, this tabletop adaptation serves to use the medium as an exploration of the themes of the text, and allows players to more closely scrutinize the elements and questions which grip them as they delve deeper into madness, immersing themselves in the insanity of utter loss.

"I have no mouth, and yet I must scream."

Download for free at

Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG is a tabletop roleplaying game of trauma and revenge.

After a great tragedy, you have emerged out the other end a Wizard, armed to the teeth with violent, untamable magic. Slighted by reality, you have been afforded a rare chance to turn the tide in your favor. 

Unfortunately, reality does not intend to simply sit by and watch. It is gnawing at you, threatening to take away the gift you hold so dear- and soon, your life. You're willing to lose everything to come out the other end.

Prepare to lose it.

The first edition of the Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG, containing all the necessary rules and lore for waging war against reality, is available now to download HERE.

Disclaimer: Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG contains non-explicit mentions of abuse and trauma, as well as depictions of non-sexualized nudity.