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A member registered Nov 06, 2023

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I think my one criticism is how repetitively clicky the game is in certain ways.

I want to preface that I don't know anything about design or the engine used so I'm sure there is a reason for it all and I will be happy to be corrected/enlightened on this.

Being kicked back to the core submenu for cooking or buying ingredients is a real wrist-killer and makes them a chore to do. If we could buy or cook without being kicked back, or use those actions in bulk (say buying milk at 5x), it would be a lot less tedious and potentially painful.

In a similar vein, it seems like the 'Calling it a night' and 'goodnight' inputs could probably just be unified to a single sleep input.

Overall I've been greatly enjoying the game and its story for several patches now, so good work on the Dev for consistently pushing out updates.