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I think my one criticism is how repetitively clicky the game is in certain ways.

I want to preface that I don't know anything about design or the engine used so I'm sure there is a reason for it all and I will be happy to be corrected/enlightened on this.

Being kicked back to the core submenu for cooking or buying ingredients is a real wrist-killer and makes them a chore to do. If we could buy or cook without being kicked back, or use those actions in bulk (say buying milk at 5x), it would be a lot less tedious and potentially painful.

In a similar vein, it seems like the 'Calling it a night' and 'goodnight' inputs could probably just be unified to a single sleep input.

Overall I've been greatly enjoying the game and its story for several patches now, so good work on the Dev for consistently pushing out updates.


so the way the cooking and shopping menus work are that they are all links that adjust the variables associated with them. But those links expire once clicked, so for the links to be reactivated the page they are on need to be reloaded, which is why the page resets everytime you purchase a food item. Ditto for cooking. I have been working on something new for the next update and I think I have come up with a better solution to reduce clicking. The good night thing being separate from the calling it a night is to give the player a chance to recognize that they are out of energy before continuing on, it also helps me with coding since the call it a day prompt is what checks to see if you can move on to the next weight stage. Makes it easier to work with under the hood for me.

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