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A member registered Jun 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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you can download The End on itch - HERE

You can see the trailer below;

Man alive I worked pretty hard on this one over the past 8 months. I'm a solo dev, and I got tired of never releasing anything so I decided to challenge myself to stick to a project and see it through. I recorded this story in 2015 with a girl I liked, and we started dating in 2016, then in 2020 we got married. Happily ever after ever since. 

In 2015 I made the original recording in to a 2d cartoon, but I never finished it all the way. I got like 75% of the way done.

The 2015 cartoon was all done in the above style. 

BUT no one really ever saw it! I never really showed it, except for on a youtube channel where it got like 100 views. I got discouraged, so I never finished it. 

I got the girl! The animation was sort of a contemplation of our love I think, us talking about love together about a year before we even had the chance to start dating. But I never got the art of it finished.

Until 2024. 

SO here is The End in video game form, and fully complete with all the audio and stuff in that I never got around to in 2015. I know maybe no one will see it now, like no one saw it back then. But I think at least I'm really happy to finally get it done, to finally ... finish something. To finally... get to the end?

I really like this project, and I think it's a strong showing for a solo dev, 8 months of work, over the past decade. I really hope you'll like it to. Send me a message somewhere like on here, or on twitter @studio_anneric or... just tell someone you love them.

here's some photos from the game, it's a side scroller and isometric game with light puzzles, a bunch of jazz songs, and an outer space romance story

(3 edits)

Play the game on itch - HERE

You will spend your time dancing 

If you follow chaotic sounds you will dream of flying
If you follow the sounds of Loons you will dream of the forest
and if you follow the piano you will dream of the beach

To Dream of Dancing is an experimental prototype I made to try and help me strengthen my ability to pay attention to things, and to hopefully help me hold my attention on the things I choose, and withhold my attention from distressing or intrusive thoughts.

You can read about that on the game page, but the broad strokes are that TDoD is based on the Attention Training Technique where you try to hold you attention on different sounds playing simultaneously.

In TDoD you have multiple sounds competing for your attention that play each time you select a dance move, so you have to listen carefully and remember the sequence of moves (or choreography) you need to use to keep hearing the sound you have chosen to follow.

Once you follow a sound three times, or in other words you complete a combo three times, you will arrive at an ending. In a full release these endings would have new gameplay that is fleshed out more, but as it stands in this prototype you'll get a cinematic, and some short prototype gameplay like flying, or free dancing, and then you'll recursively go back and begin a new game.

You're in a recursive spiritual maze and the only way out is to dance

This is the first game I have released. I was hoping if people liked it they would let me know. I thought I shouldn't spend more time on developing this idea further if people didn't like what I made. 

I'm planning on releasing a new vignette prototype of my ideas every couple of months for the next year or so, since I've spent a lot of time developing many ideas to roughly this level of completion. 

Thank you for your time!