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A member registered 80 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you once again and good luck to you as well!

Incredible job on the game! It felt similar to some early 2010s games like dayz/7d2d. 

Personally im a sucker for these types of games and this game was incredibly fun to play.

The only issue I encountered was with the fp camera. It seemed like there was maximum degree to which the camera would move per mouse movement. It felt like I had to wait for the camera to finish turning before making another move, but other than that I really enjoyed the game.

Once again incredible job on creating this within the jam time!

Thank you for the kind words!

My intention for the small power up was to reduce the size of the spotlights but I was unable to get it working properly, so the only alternative I could think of was to reduce the dino size. 

As for the spotlights, I agree that they're hard to see since they're really only projected on the ground. My original goal was to have a 3D spotlight-esque cone, but I wasn't able to figure out how  I could get that to work.

I only started learning unity a few days before the jam started and do plan on learning how to implement these things before the next jam I participate in. (Hopefully one of the Halloween ones!)

I apologize its my first time using itch. Should be up now :)