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A member registered Dec 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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Merci pour ton retour!!
Yes complètement d'accord avec toi, ça sera ajouter dans une update pour fix 2-3 trucs.

Haha merci beaucoup !!
C'était pour la 2eme Jam du serv de Katana ZERO, y en a une 3eme de prévu l'année pro, faut carrément que tu joins !!


Sorry about that, could you record the bug or send me the erreur that the game show? 

Thanks a lot!
Happy you liked it!

It was a cool experience, very creative use of the theme, visually/"soundly" it was very polished there's a lot of efforts put into it, loved the progression/evolution it has throuth the game. Gameplay wise, the character controller is really fun even if physics can be a bit hard to understant some times and also a visual element that could indicate the force/direction where the "cat" is going to be throwed would have been a cool addition.
My only complain is about the level design which is cool to experiement with that wierd (in the good way) controller but i think it didn't do it too much justice in term of posibilities, most of the time I felt like the "butt" was more a constraint that stop me while trying to progress. It's only near the end that I felt like I could used it at my advantage.
BUT despite that I really enjoyed playing it and it's obvious that a lot of care/effort was put into it as from sound, music, visuals to code and game design.

Great entry!

Very polished, loved how the ghost slide in the obstacle and the sound effect that goes with it!
Also creative way of using the theme, colors are a clever way to indicate the needed size so that's cool!
Good job!

Very nostalgic to me, at first I wasn't really sold by the mix of both pixart and digital painting, but a friend told me that it could refer as toys been seen as video game character by the childrens so in the end I really liked it!
Gameplay wise it's simple, but enouth to tell the story and I also work really well with it.
The music was also really cool as the visual.
So yeah good job to all the team members I had a great moment playing it!

Yoo that was so fun and the idea is well executed!
Also the ending fell a bit rush but ngl that made it really funny so I don't regret at all acting like the worst capitalism guy I could ever been.
You've stool take my 5 stars, road to be the king of this game jam.


Thanks !
The snowball idea was a perfect fit for the theme ngl

That's really cool to read!
Thanks a lot!

Thanks ^^ !!

Thanks ^^ !!

Ouep je vois ce que tu veux dire, apres franchement pour une première jam ça déchire!
Hate de voir la prochaine du coup !

Very funny, i played around 10 minute, i was really curious about how would look like the creature that once where so big and that i can now completly destroy.

Great participation!

L'idée est top, j'ai mis du temps à comprendre mais une fois que t'as compris ça roule de fou !
Visuellement y a des trucs qui marche super bien, j'aime bcp l'anim des pattes du chats sur les côtés.
Mon seul reproche serai que le thème s’inscrit dans le contexte plus que dans le gameplay.

Super projet, franchement GG!

Haha heureux que ça t'ai plu !

Yo, sorry that's not planned, making mobile port is kinda hard and long...

Haha j'avais compris la tech ^^ !

Le retour tant attendu de game dev Rafabinda ?!
(l'animation de saut est trop goofy mdr)

awesome game
team really cooked hard asf

Thanks you so much, it mean a lot!!

Pero, el juego no es pensado para ser jugado en esta manera.

(Sorry for my Spanish, I used to speak some but it's been a while I haven't used it ^^)

It depend on what you want to do, one is the fangame with some kind of new campaign inspired by what could have been before Katana ZERO, the other is for level creation (but it also contain a small very hard new level focused on the new element of the editor)

Yoo, first thanks!
You just need to unconnect your gamepad or anything that your pc would detect has it (that's why the game is being set has controlled with gamepad...)


That's because as it is a fangame, it's not an .exe approved by Window, you just need to click on "run anyway".
Have fun!

Not for now unfortunately, but I know there is some kind of "Window emulator" that can play it.

It isn't, that's because as it is a fangame, it's not an .exe approved by Window, you just need to click on "run anyway".

Hope you'll have fun!

Thank you so much ^^ !!
(it mean a lot for me)

haha thanks!
But the game is currently in break and there's nothing planned for the moment.
But who know's, maybe one day (i hope)!

Sorry, maybe try this link (it's available 7 days only because of Wetransfer)

Yeah I'm aware of that, maybe I'll fix it one day (the project is currently in break) but thanks for your feedback.

I'll check that!
(I didn't tested that much the gamepad...)

Haha yes, I really wanned to finish it with a cool last update!
(it will be on break for a while)

This ... is perfect lmao
It's funny, it fit the theme so well and fun to play!

Please make a full game from this idea.

Really cool concept!  It was a bit hard to understand at first but when you get it, the combos are really satisfying!

Very cool game!! 
Quite challenging, but really satisfying when you've finished a level!

Best concept I've found on this jam so far, the level design is top tier, a bit hard to figure out at first but when you've understand it, it show how well thinked the game is, each new mecanic are simple but are well used to create new situations.

The only thingh that could be imporved are the visuals.


Kinda hard but really funny (especially with the music)! 
Overhaul it's a cool game!