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A member registered Aug 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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I’m sorry it didn’t quite work for you! Could I ask what operating system you were using when you were recording the video?

Thank you!! In the future we will be sure to work on making everything clearer to the player :). That’s a pretty good idea too! I hope you enjoyed the game once you were able to figure it out, thank you for playing it!!

(1 edit)

I’m glad to hear it, I hope you enjoyed the game!

Thank you!!

Thank you!! I think the difficulty on it is something we definitely need to work on, as well as the controls, but thank you for attempting it anyways!! I’m glad you liked the visuals and audio as well, our musician and artist are both so great (:

Hi! Thank you for leaving written feedback, it looks like the controls are something we need to work on! I would like to ask, though, are you aware of the game’s general mechanic? Due to time constraints it was difficult to make it clear in-game, though we did do our best to explain it on the game’s page. It sounds like you played the first level without moving any of the platforms, is that the case?

Thank you for such a detailed review! Some of the issues you mentioned with the controls especially I don’t believe we were so aware of, so your feedback truly is helpful. (: I’m sorry you  couldn’t finish the first level! If you’d like to see the second one, Zachalope64 on youtube recently uploaded a video of him playing a bunch of games from the jam, including ours! It should be in the first episode in the series, I believe at the time I’m writing this he has 3 total? Regardless, thank you for playing Scale!

Thank you so much for the feedback!! I’ve never heard of lumines, I’ll have to check it out (:  And I’m sure our artist appreciates the praise!! She really is amazing haha. 

The visuals are so cool!!! I'm still asking myself, "how did they do that???" It's incredibly difficult, though, and it was admittedly a bit discouraging at the beginning! I'd love to see these visuals used with maybe more clever level design, where it's a bit easier to see how you're supposed to avoid the blocks (:

There's a lot to love!! The simplicity, the music, the genuine fun..!! I struggled for a bit because I was a bit of an idiot and only read the description at the bottom, haha, and didn't look at the controls screen at the beginning. But once I got the controls down, it was a lot of fun!! I especially love how you have to do two things at once, which on their own would be easy, but together present their own challenges.  It's a really good and well executed idea, good luck during this voting period!! I hope you do well (:

The music was definitely nice!! But the game itself was pretty confusing--it took me a while to really figure out how to play it correctly, and I didn't really see the point of getting everything correct once I finished the trivia bit. It felt like more work with little payoff, all that happened was I saw the answers I had picked earlier again. It was sure a creative idea!! But maybe not one that's especially fun to play.

this is such a cute game!!! I love the art, the music, the voice acting...! It's really heart warming!!