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A member registered Oct 02, 2014 · View creator page →

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I'm glad it worked for you. have fun.

First Time I hear this bug. The engine is old and obsolette, so I can't garantee it to work on every computer, and thats why this game was always free to play. 

Hi, Thanks. Strange, it does work hice here on my MSX1 Hotbit using Carnivore2 or using SD Mapper. I'll take a look.

Thanks, the cumpliment is always special when came from a fellow ZX Dev. This one had to have the book and the audio tapes, it was itended to.  Teknamic should make a tape version this year, I hope so.

Opa, não precisa se desculpar, a confusão é compreensível. O Protagonista se chama Virgílio, não Virgulino. É Virgílio pra fazer referência à Divina Comédia, e pq o som da palavra lembra Virgulino, mas ele não é Lampião, nem é Virgílio o Poeta que guia Dante pelo Inferno e Purgatório. Diria que o nome dele ser Virgílio é apenas uma "coincidência" do destino, hehehehe. Então, pra pontuar, o nome do personagem que o jogador controla é Virgílio, e ele é um "neo-cangaceiro" de um futuro pós apocalíptico cyberpunk, ou algo nesse sentido, e seu nome é uma referência tanto à Lampião quanto à Divina Comédia de Dante.

For Sega Mega Drive there is Devwill Too MD and Devwill Too prologue, that I did in partnership with laudelino as Mangangá Team. you can find these two here on my itchio ;)

No, this one was the first version I did in one week for PC to learn how to use Vlickteam Multimedia Fusion game engine.

This Engine is obsolete, the author vanished form the Internet a few years ago. All i know is that he coded ARGS on Game Maker. I have made a backup of the whole engine on my blog:

Thanks, I hope you like it, and let me know your impressions on it if you share it somewhere.

The game have some "metroidvania" elements, you start the game without the slide hability, and will acquire it later on the game.

I delisted it because the engine used on thegame (ARGS) became discontinued, and the game is not anymore garanty to work on modern Windows. But you can download it here for free and try on you computer.

Mega Cat Cartridge will not came in 2023, but I think it will on 2024, let's see what happens.

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WOW, awesome, youve showed both the Chapter 1 and 2, very nice. I'll post the video on my social media and follow your chanell, thanks!

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Wow, thank you, Tomorrow I'll post on my social media, thanks for sharing.

Thanks, like aways you don't miss it. Just to let you know, I fixed a nasty bug on chapter 2 right now, please download it again to solve the problem.

Thanks, that's one of my main "research" doing pixel art for ZX Spectru, and a big aestethic feature of my other games on ZX.

Just released the ZX 2.0 version. it has now more content than the MSX one. just download the new file if you already have buyied it. have fun.

Glad to hear that, have fun.

Olher thing, You start the game without the slide ability, you have to find the item that will give you the power to use the slide

Thanks, I'm glad you liked.

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Very strange, I tested with my 2+, real hardware, with sinclair joystic, and all working fine. Are you sure you are using the "2.0" version, not the old one?

Yes, laudelino, the coder, did not reused the first game code on the Prologue, it's all coded from scratch, so now the platform engine is much better. Devwill Too MD (2019) was our first mega Drive game, laudelino was learning how to code on sgdk (he never coded on C before). So we did or best besides our ouws limitations. On Prologue the collisions are better for sure, not perfect, but much better and forgiviness to the player them on the first game. Thanks for pointing that out =)

Some time on the future we must have a world wide cartridge from Mega Cat Studios, and very soon there will be a Brazil only cartridge from Falcon Soft/Retro X.

Yes, the "multimedia" effect was the intention, along with the book (that will shine on the phisic cassette edition, I hope). I was thinking about it since half of 2022, them I asked Filipe Veiga if someone have done it before and he showed me teh Automata Games. Such a Inspiration. Thanks for the comment.

Thanks. Yes, the intention with the 2.0 was to fix some usability issues, like you've said.  Thanks.

I already said it before when you posted Bruxólico vídeo, but man, you indeed are fast! Thanks again for the showcase.

Unfortunate the engine I've used get obsolet and some times does not work on some computers. Try to unzip the game on another path and restart your computer after get this error message. If it still does not work I'm afraid it wont on your computer, sorry.

Thanks for the feedback, it's something for us to think about for our the next games.

Thanks :)

Hi, thanks for including Bruxólico, awesome. I'll include the link on my Blog Post where I'm collecting videos and reviews about the game. Thanks, and check it out here

Thanks, I'm glad to find people who like it.

Thanks for the compliment!

That's one of the main goals, make something new inspired by the past. Thanks for the comment my friend!

I'm glad you liked, thanks to take your time and comment :)

Estas palavras enchem meu coração de alegria. É a combinaçao que busco, sem deixar de fazer um jogo que possa divertir. Gracias.

Thanks, I'm glad people like the not so usaual art style. The Pupet Looks nice right? I'm glad I did it, I hope to make more videos with this puppet some time soon.

Grande, valeu!

opa, valeu.

Man you are fast, hehehehe. Thanks again.

In the English filder you have the following files (see the .tap file have the (QAOPM) or (QAOPW) in the end of their names)

- Bruxólico - Side A 01 - Game (ENG) (QAOPM).tap

- Bruxólico - Side A 01 - Game (ENG) (QAOPW).tap

- Bruxólico - Side A 02 - Narrative (ENG).mp3

... and so on